Tag: <span>business</span>

Question 170 of 365: What is the benefit of rubber handled safety scissors?

Image via Wikipedia The inconsequential saved my daughter a lot of pain today. It probably saved us a trip to the hospital. It definitely saved us finding out the hard way if electrocution is possible using nothing more than a pair of scissors. Frankly, that is not something I ever care to …

Question 168 of 365: When are we ready to fulfill our promises?

Image via Wikipedia Making promises is one of the easiest things that I have ever done. They just roll off my tongue after a while. In fact, so long as I am talking to someone that is interesting enough, I will continue to make promises just to keep the conversation …

Question 149 of 365: What happens when it shatters?

The wind must have grabbed it while we were out. It must have taken hold of the oversized umbrella and flipped the entire table, shattering the glass top directly on the deck. It must have done this because when we came home we found the thousands of pieces and the …

Question 146 of 365: How are we taking turns?

Image via Wikipedia My children take turns with the best of them. They have a strong instinct for when it is their turn, but they will (if prompted and given a reason to do so, sometimes) give other people a chance to play with an important toy or go down …

Question 145 of 365: How can we make self policing work?

Image by sociomantic via Flickr Many people are uninterested in social networking. For as many people that are joining Facebook every day (about 500 million total have done so), there is an enormous amount of people who want nothing to do with it. Moreover, there are even more people who …

Question 142 of 365: Who controls the power of suggestion?

Image via Wikipedia My children have trigger words. Certain phrases cannot be said in their presence. If these words are uttered within earshot, the response is so immediate and severe that you will wonder if there will ever be another state of mind for them. These are words like “ice …

Question 131 of 365: Am I dressing for the job that I want?

Image via Wikipedia For an entire year, I wore only sports jackets and ties to work. No matter how hot and no matter how what day of the week, I wore a self-imposed uniform. Better yet, I had a total of three sports jackets to cycle through. A green checkered …

Question 117 of 365: When should you jump ship?

Image via Wikipedia Other people affect us in the strangest ways. Retirement parties are one such example. The rash of these awkward moments in my life have really been getting to me. When people decide to cash in their chips, it really makes me eye the stack I have in …

Question 115 of 365: When should we build things just to knock them down?

Image by unloveablesteve via Flickr Domino Rally required a lot of patience. Setting up the huge amount of dominos in a row without knocking them over required a steady hand and an iron will to get to the very end of your plan instead of settling for knocking it down …

Question 112 of 365: How do we show up now?

Image by Simon Lieschke via Flickr I didn’t miss a class in college. Not the early morning british literature class with the English woman who hated students that “shouldn’t be english majors according to their lack of ability to write.” Not the earlier still poetry course with the stroke victim …