Tag: <span>Home</span>

Question 276 of 365: Are our expectations for breakfast too low?

Image via Wikipedia To a large extent, my wife bases her day on how good her breakfast is. To be sure, she has a weekday regimen of fresh bananas, yogurt and Puffins (a decently healthy cereal that has the namesake animal on the front). But, on the weekends, all bets …

Question 146 of 365: How are we taking turns?

Image via Wikipedia My children take turns with the best of them. They have a strong instinct for when it is their turn, but they will (if prompted and given a reason to do so, sometimes) give other people a chance to play with an important toy or go down …

Question 136 of 365: What is a family reunion?

Image via Wikipedia I have never been a part of a family big enough to require a reunion. We have had many family gatherings over the years, but never a reunion. Father’s side, mother’s side, and weird couplings around weddings. These are the closest that we have come. This week …

Question 135 of 365: Why don't we say shut up more often?

Cover of 3 Ninjas I have been reliving my childhood through netflix on-demand. It seems as though all of the movies that I loved when I was a kid are available for me to pull up at any hour of the day and watch with my children (with the notable …

Question 132 of 365: Who's shadow are we in?

Image by Rennett Stowe via Flickr I traveled with my father when I was young. To Australia, to Japan, to Spain. He went there to talk to people about his passion: electrophysiology (the study of heart rhythms). They asked him to come. Paid for him, even. And he brought me …

Question 125 of 365: Who moved my privacy?

Image via Wikipedia Virginia Woolf wasn’t kidding. Having a room of one’s own matters. That is why teachers who keep their materials on carts are the ones who we pity. It is the reason why we still have stigma around cubicles. It is the reason that we put our names …