Tag: <span>business</span>

Question 307 of 365: Why should we sand?

Image via Wikipedia When my wife and I moved into our first house, we decided we would change a few things. We moved the refrigerator out of the hallway and into the kitchen. We covered over some hideous wood paneling with drywall. We even made consistent archways out of every entryway. Well, …

Question 285 of 365: When does advocacy become an employment strategy?

Image by Julie70 via Flickr Being in favor of things is not so very hard. I’m for watching TV in the evenings. I’m for laughing with children. I’m for opening up boxes as soon as they come in the mail. I’m for remembering what I’ve done with those I’ve done …

Question 277 of 365: Are we on the clock?

I used to put my hours on a time card. I used to slot it into metal container made especially for that purpose. I didn’t punch in because that would have required too much investment on the machine that actually made the punches. I would just carefully scrawl the time …

Question 271 of 365: Who will we let change us?

Image by rshannonsmith via Flickr My son has never liked being changed, not even when he was very small. He is absurdly strong and his hips seem to have the superhuman element to them that allows for him to swivel out of all but the tightest grips. He screams and …

Question 270 of 365: How do we define success?

Image via Wikipedia I believe in serendipity. It is one of my strongest held beliefs, actually. It is the way in which I find much of the passion that I have for technology, education, and business. I make contacts on Twitter and at Coffee Shops that have very little chance …

Question 245 of 365: What is our social media policy?

An institution will be known by its use of social media. They will be seen through the lens of every contributor in their ranks. They will either be well represented or incredibly absent, nothing in between. The identities of every Facebook and Twitter user will build into an army of …

Question 236 of 365: Who wins when others fail?

Image via Wikipedia I don’t want to hear about other people not doing their jobs right. It isn’t interesting, novel, or beneficial. It may make for cleverly underhanded conversation or ambitious posturing, but it doesn’t really do much good. I can complain about others not pulling their weight or not …

Question 235 of 365: What is the real nightmare of testing?

Cover of Waking Life I don’t put much stock in dreams, at least not the kind that you can have when you sleep. Most of the time, I like to think that my subconscious just has a little more room to roam. I have an off switch and nighttime is when I flip it. …

Question 226 of 365: What speaks to us?

Image by GDS Infographics via Flickr I have a web alert set up for “social media” in my local area. Anything, whether it is a job or blog post or simply a quiet mention on the local news sends me an e-mail calling my attention to it. Usually, it turns up …