Tag: <span>facebook</span>

Question 351 of 365: Should we ask for database access?

Databases are magic. The front end of every website that you go to is based upon a layer of databases working hard in the background. Each database holds the keys to your passwords and to your conversations. They are the places that context is captured and value is assessed. With …

Question 344 of 365: Are we ripping the right information?

Image via Wikipedia A DVD was supposed to be one of the most encrypted physical media types to ever be created. It was supposed to have been the best form of Digital Rights Management, one that would stop pretty much everyone from copying software and movies. The days of dubbing …

Question 291 of 365: What is the new Eugenics?

Image via Wikipedia I once had a conversation with a man I didn’t know during which he extolled the virtues of Eugenics and the idea of a master race. Because I was 13 at the time, this line of thinking was absolutely new to me. With my rudimentary understanding of how good …

Question 272 of 365: What are we not paying for?

In thinking about budgets in tight times, it may be easiest to think about all of the things that we are paying for and then see exactly what it is that we can cut back on. It makes sense that we wouldn’t spend much time at all agonizing over what …

Question 267 of 365: How much are we willing to share?

Image via CrunchBase My first email address that wasn’t tied to a major online provider like AOL was pacer@cyberdrive.net. It came from this local ISP in my home town. It was this cute all you could download on a 14.4 modem affair for about $25.00 a month. The reason that this …

Question 245 of 365: What is our social media policy?

An institution will be known by its use of social media. They will be seen through the lens of every contributor in their ranks. They will either be well represented or incredibly absent, nothing in between. The identities of every Facebook and Twitter user will build into an army of …

Question 244 of 365: Why do users revolt?

Image via CrunchBase Over the past week, something strange has been happening on Digg. Ever since they changed over to a new format for the website and a different submission process, an absolute torrent of users have decided that this site no longer has their best interests in mind. Whether …

Question 237 of 365: Is the username dying?

Image via Wikipedia I remember Hackers, the awkward mid-90’s movie, fondly. It represented a do-it-yourself future in which those who understood computers could game everyone else. And, for the most part it got that right. It also figured out that the hacker culture was going to drive an open source …