Tag: <span>business</span>

Question 46 of 365: How do users become customers?

I don’t usually use these terms, but I have continued to use them after reading a really interesting white paper on why Freemium models don’t work. I believe that we are all users of lots of products, services, schools, and ideas. We are much more selective as to what we …

Question 33 of 365: Why should we jump off a cliff?

My experiences attending the Boulder/Denver new technology meetings, and more recently Educon 2.2, have really gotten me thinking about just how much benefit there is in jumping off of a cliff. Let me clarify. The most inspiring people at these events are ones that have stopped working for others’ ideas …

Question 28 of 365: Are we responsible for the Web 2.0 graveyard?

As I look around the web, I see the shells of formerly great web services. I see the Flowgrams that could have been. I see the Google Notebooks that wallow in disuse. I see the missing Jumpcuts that provided me with so much hope and pleasure. I have spoken about …

Question 14 of 365: What is the future of outsourcing?

I do not claim to be an expert in outsourcing, nor do I claim to know all of the terrible (and good) things that have come from an acceptance of outsourcing as a reality. What I am claiming by my attempt to answer this question is that I think I …

Question 2 of 365: What is the critical mass of a community?

I could give a concrete answer based upon the psudo-science of online community building, or an enigmatic answer that really doesn’t reveal a whole lot. Instead of either of those choices, I would rather answer this question by finding the different ways that people have found significance in this question. …