Tag: <span>startup</span>

Question 168 of 365: When are we ready to fulfill our promises?

Image via Wikipedia Making promises is one of the easiest things that I have ever done. They just roll off my tongue after a while. In fact, so long as I am talking to someone that is interesting enough, I will continue to make promises just to keep the conversation …

Question 109 of 365: What is your field?

A man that I trust and respect once told me that we always go from specific to general in our heads, but we want to go from the general to the specific in our lives. He was speaking about the process of creating something new, but I think it applies …

Question 69 of 365: Why is action such a surprise?

I have had a number of conversations recently that have resulted in someone saying that they were surprised that things were getting done. They were surprised at action. While I was somewhat baffled by the reaction, it made me think about what the root of this surprise might be. Getting …

Question 68 of 365: What does it mean to be a breadwinner?

Image via Wikipedia While I do not particularly like the designation or the baggage that goes along with it, being a breadwinner is something that is very important to me. I am not interested in being the sole breadwinner or someone who does only that, but there is most definitely …

Question 64 of 365: How can we be for ourselves and for an entity at the same time?

I have realized that an idea can’t grow if I don’t let it stand on its own. I have figured out that I cannot be the idea. If people are going to get behind it, it can’t be me they are getting behind. And yet, I have been branding and …

Question 61 of 365: How do we make renewal more accessible?

Sometimes, making a single change to a long held practice will completely renew your interest and commitment to that practice. One of those times was this week. I am renewed in my fascination and commitment to blog comments. For years, I have thought that along with PDF’s (as Will Richardson puts …

Question 28 of 365: Are we responsible for the Web 2.0 graveyard?

As I look around the web, I see the shells of formerly great web services. I see the Flowgrams that could have been. I see the Google Notebooks that wallow in disuse. I see the missing Jumpcuts that provided me with so much hope and pleasure. I have spoken about …