Category: <span>#LifeWideLearning16</span>

61: The Most I Can Hope for My Students #LifeWideLearning16

61. What challenges do you hope all students face? #LifeWideLearning16 @bhwilkoff — Zac Chase (@MrChase) March 2, 2016 I don’t have a master plan for students. I don’t know what will make them ready for career, let alone college. I don’t know exactly which classes will inspire them to become entrepreneurs or civil …

56: Lectures are about control, but that isn't always bad. #LifeWideLearning16

56. When is lecture good? #LifeWideLearning16 @bhwilkoff — Zac Chase (@MrChase) February 25, 2016 Lectures are about control: Control of the narrative. Control of the cannon. Control of the information to be disseminated. Control of the time it takes to listen and (maybe) understand. Control of the pace and format for …

53: The Educational Philosophy of Watters and Belshaw #LifeWideLearning16

53. What education philosophers speak loudest to you? #LifeWideLearning16 @bhwilkoff — Zac Chase (@MrChase) February 22, 2016 I do not often reach for Dewey or Vygotsky when I am trying to sort out a particularly thorny educational issue. I don’t even seek out living theorists like Papert or Chomsky all that …