Learning is Change

We Care

We take student learning seriously, and we care deeply for getting it right. This care is manifest in every conversation I have with a principal or teacher. It is what continues to drive our district story forward. It teaches me every day to, ‘Care more.’

Student led learning design

Students, even our youngest, have the ability to design and create amazing things. In particular, they have the ability to solve for their own needs in the classroom. Check out what they came up with!

Ask an Educator Podcast Series

Some great podcast episodes about Professional Learning and Micro-credentials (Digitial Badging). The key question that they answer is ‘how do we best honor and value the time and effort that educators are making for improving their craft?’

Technology Curriculum

Project-based Digital Skills curriculum from Google. This content allows kids to experience collaborative document writing, research, and presentation of ideas in a project-based way, solving problems and working with one another. It is easy to use too!

They are who we thought they were.

Technology is not pedagogically agnostic. It was made by people, for a purpose. We just have to make sure that we are choosing the technology that was made for the right purpose: The right tool for the job!

Attending to Technology: Theses for Disputation

Although this article is quite long, I recommend you looking at the ‘thesis statements’ in bold. Essentially, it is an article about how we can be more human with our technology, using it as a tool rather than relying upon it to provide meaning.

How Google Took Over the Classroom

A well reported story on how Chicago Public Schools has learned from their G Suite for Education rollout, and how they have taught Google a few things too! Great conversation on the decentralization of learning tools and the power of teacher voice!

Introducing formats

Digital brainstorming and helpful collaborative tool, Padlet is updating its service in some interesting ways. They are further expanding their offerings of formats and providing better support for each one. We really like the new Canvas format!

The Stories We Tell Ourselves

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What do you mean by personalized learning? Helpful resources…

While I think the resources shared here are truly wonderful, the broader point is even more important: personalized learning requires a belief in student-centered classrooms and schools.

How Pineapple Charts Revolutionize Professional Development

Inviting fellow teachers into your classroom can be as easy (or hard) as putting up a pineapple. This symbol means that you want visitors. It means that you want to share your work, and even receive feedback. Where have you seen these symbols here?


Stories of Self, of Us, of Now

Lots of amazing things happen when we reflect upon our history and find the whole story of how we got to this very moment. What are you reflecting upon?

There are a lot of claims made about personalized learning, what it is and isn’t. To some, it is an algorithm making decisions rather than a teacher. To others (and to us) it is the student knowing who they are as a learner and making choices in the classroom based upon that knowledge. This post is context for people who believe the former.
This article is all about taking a step back and thinking about why student agency matters. Why does it matter to you? What is your theory of action?

Micro-credentials Galore

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Can Micro-credentials Create More Meaningful Professional Development For Teachers?

I feel like listening to educators is probably a good way to go: ‘I don’t consider it extra work because you’re picking what you want to learn about and you’re getting to use it right away with the kids.’ – Megan Sayas, third-grade teacher

Structuring Customized Teacher PD Programs with Badges

The Turner Unified School District has done some amazing work to create a PD Gallery that is organized by the micro-credentials you can earn for upgrading skills and improving your practice. It is such a lovely concrete example for more personalized PD.

The Future of Educator Micro-credentials

We’ve been planning for educator micro-credentials throughout the 16-17 school year, but we are not alone. Here is the latest thinking, research, and advocacy for schools and districts who want to value their educators through badging.

And, Away We Go!

I find that we all need something a little different in order to support our learning. What types of resources help you to learn better (or faster)?

A podcast about productive disagreement. And other stuff. We’re still figuring it out.

A brand new podcast from two of the most thoughtful educators I know. I think there is something truly inspiring about educators getting together for a deep conversation and then recording it for others. I wonder what conversations are worth capturing here.

Device Free Dinner Educator Resources

Knowing when and how to use the device is a huge part of blended and personalized learning. And putting the device away sometimes is a part of that. There are some great resources for supporting our parents in helping kids make these informed decisions.

White Paper Series on PL Curriculum Selection – Part 1: Align Curriculum Goals with Personalized Learning Vision

For those of you who like white papers! I really like the idea of operationalizing a vision through curricular and instructional decisions.

No Waiting Necessary

Why Believing in Your Students Matters

Our expectations for students matter. I like the way research and personal experience are woven together. Definitely worth a read.

Are We Personalizing Learning for the Students Who Need It Most?

Everyone having ‘a personalized plan’ isn’t so far fetched in our context. Here is an great example of how others are using these plans for personalization.

Hacking PBL to Make Learning Personal

The #plearnchat is such a valuable resource every week, where you can learn from many other teachers and leaders pursuing personalization in classrooms around the world. This topic on PBL was a great example of this!

Words Work

How I Present

Some great advice for both student and adult presentations from the always on point, Dan Meyer.

The Digital Day in the Life of a Teacher

I really like ‘day in the life’ stories from teachers, leaders, and learners. They can help us to notice and name the seemingly invisible moves we all make in schools.

Powering Personalized Learning in Chicago

Sometimes stories of what ‘it’ looks like can be enough to get teachers and leaders thinking. Here are a few examples from Chicago Public Schools.

For real this time.

Making equity a first principle of personalized learning

Great frame for how Personalized Learning is and should be about equity for kids. The new organization, The Equity Design Collective, will also be important as we continue to research and implement best practices.

First Review of New Google Earth

With this release, Google Earth becomes available for our thousands of kids using Chromebooks every day. This means that there will be far more exploration of place and context in our classrooms. It is a great opportunity to break down the walls!

100 days Reflections: Day 70 | 100 Days

One of my favorite Young Adult authors and makers of Youtube videos, John Green, exercised for 100 days straight. This is day 70, and it is a wonderful example both of reflecting well and how to think about supporting mental health with kids and adults.