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Cores 1 and 2: Randomly select username for celebrity commenting. Write-On: Comment on one post from the “Celebrity User.” You may use a comment starter to help you make a more authentic comment. Write your weekly authentic for this week and don’t forget to nominate for The Authenticity Awards. Core …


Core 1: Go over Choosing the Right word for Unit 8 vocabulary book. Write-On: Write a simile/metaphor that compares blogging to an event, action, or idea. (“Blogging is like football, putting out a fire, fishing, etc.”) Read Blogging is like Football. What is your personal purpose for blogging, for writing …


Core 1: Go over Synonyms and Antonyms in Unit 8. Revisit belief statements as genre: Why is it important to outline your belief statements? Brainstorm belief statements. Refine belief statements with Write your own Belief Statement piece. Core 2: Do quick word work-outs using The Nerd Herd Big Word …


I am back for a while, and I am so glad to be here. Let’s get back to it then. Cores 1-4: Take a look at The Authenticity Awards from the past two weeks. Show the concept of Total Context Linking. Conclude parable writing with the following questions: What is …


Cores 1-4: As many of you know, my wife gave birth to our daughter yesterday. This bundle of joy and miracles is named Isabelle Roux Wilkoff. I have written all about her in my most recent Weekly Authentic. I would like to challenge each of you to discuss and respond …


Core 1: Write-On: Why are beliefs powerful? Discuss and view Belief Statement Essays as genre: Tony Hawk Rick Moody Sarah Adams Harold Taw Explore essays and talk about what makes a belief statement important. Core 2: Write-On: What is your initial reaction when you are attacked (verbally, physically, emotionally)? What …


Cores 1-4: I have been looking a lot at our blogging community. I have read and assessed posts. I have worked hard at making sure that everyone is adding, in his/her own way, to this unique opportunity for expression and authenticity. Over and over, I have been surprised at the …


Core 1: Play vocabulary basketball to review for unit 7 quiz. Take unit 7 quiz. Do partnered good parts to fulfill quarter 1 requirement. Core 2: Discuss-On: How did you tackle the sesquipedalian paragraph? What is your thought process when you encounter a seemingly impenetrable paragraph? Take a second look …