Category: <span>Classroom Resources</span>


I’m sorry that I couldn’t be there to help you out in person (especially because I love teaching on my birthday), but I did want to tell you how to post from  Click on Manage Posts Choose WordPress (not as your Blog Service. Enter in your blog web …


Cores 1-2: Discuss-on: What is Remix Culture? Watch the Remix Culture in Generation Y video and discuss: What is okay to copy? What isn’t? What is a remix? What is a parody? Who owns an idea? Cores 3-4: I have just been selected to be a part of the Digital …


Cores 1-4: Take a listen to the revised versions of “You make me touch your hands for stupid reasons.” Work on Sem2_Week9 weekly authentic. Post to If you haven’t done Sem2_Week8, please do so. Try to test out your comments and tell me if yours doesn’t work.


Cores 1-4: you-make-me-touch-your-hands-for-stupid-reasons.mp3 I saw this online yesterday and I knew that I just had to play it for you. This is an example of just how ineffective your words can be when you don’t take the time to choose them wisely. This piece really makes me feel bad for …


Cores 1-4: Write-on: What parts of the song, “It’s not on the test,” do you find to be most true in your test taking experience? What does it mean to be prepared for CSAP in reading and writing? Are you? Cores 1+2: Write out a playbook for CSAP this year …


 Cores 1-4: Collect any Personal Curriculum or AR Partner Points Passes. Core 1: Go over vocabulary book exercises. Take quiz over chapter 10. How can a flat classroom help us to create a utopia? Core 2: Discuss-On: Do moral imperatives exist? (Are there things that must be stopped because they …


Core 1: What is the one word that you are going to remember next year from Unit 10 (including your own words and everyone else’s)? Finish Unit 10  activities and study for quiz tomorrow. Write-On: What do you think a flat classroom is? Can we use the internet to create …


Cores 1-4: Weekly Authentic Self-Assessment and Reflection You should fill this out correctly and honestly, leaving nothing for me to question in my grading. Cores 1: Take a look at all of the Google Video Challenge posts. Take a look at my vision of writing without the dependency on paper …


Cores 1-4: Revisit Personal Curriculum. Core 1: Write-On: Do words influence our concept of Utopia or does our concept of Utopia influence our words? Utopian Poetry Analysis. Core 2: Reflect-On: How difficult was it to incorporate other people’s ideas in your own frame? Elite 8 Tournament and Ultimate winner. What …


Core 1: Go over Vocab homework. Play Vocab basketball. Find words to substitute for the five words you crossed off. Wordie Double-Tonged Dictionary Pseudodictionary Reverse Dictionary Core 2: Discuss-on: What can 10 words do that 10,000 cannot? What is framing a debate? What would have been the great debate about …