Year: <span>2010</span>

Question 28 of 365: Are we responsible for the Web 2.0 graveyard?

As I look around the web, I see the shells of formerly great web services. I see the Flowgrams that could have been. I see the Google Notebooks that wallow in disuse. I see the missing Jumpcuts that provided me with so much hope and pleasure. I have spoken about …

Question 27 of 365: What happens if we are wrong?

We seek truth. As much as we seek to be right, we must seek truth. If we are unable to see when we are wrong, then there is very little chance that we will ever be able to see a truth when it presents itself. Being right is one thing …

Question 26 of 365: Is treading water dangerous?

Image via Wikipedia As far as metaphors go, there are no greater cliches than using treading water to represent staying in one given place in your personal or professional life. However, every once in a while, the metaphor is warranted, so I hope you will not begrudge me using it. …

Question 25 of 365: Where do privacy and regret collide?

Facebook has recently changed their privacy settings and it has hit a huge nerve with nearly everyone that uses the ubiquitous social network. It has been reported in mainstream media, which has lead to people talking about it even away from their computers. Right now, the best discussion of internet …

Question 24 of 365: When should you fire your community?

Cultivating a rich and supportive community is one of the hardest and most worthwhile things you can do with your online presence. It is something that usually requires endlessly making contacts and leaving comments. It requires a consistent voice and a steadfast level of interaction. Most of all, a good …

Question 23 of 365: Is asking for permission still important?

Is it still important to ask for permission when people tell you exactly how they want you to use their work? Is it still important when your identity is entirely public? Is it still important when your everyday life can just as easily be a topic at the water cooler …

Question 22 of 365: Farmville practices Ghetto Testing, why aren't we?

I had never experienced the term Ghetto Testing until I read a blog post about how theĀ FarmVille creators use it. One of the biggest parts of Ghetto Testing is to track interest and support for a new feature before actually building it. This means that before a single line of …

Question 21 of 365: What is "wrong" with Widgets and App Stores?

There is a huge insurgence of applications that do a single thing and do it extremely well. They can be served up as a single embeddable object, a facebook app, or simply a standalone piece of software on the iPhone. Every one of them is attempting to find a niche …

Question 20 of 365: What should we relentlessly pursue?

I have made the case for pursuing lots of things: happiness, authenticity, purpose, truth, scalability, integration, and I’ve probably contradicted myself a number of times in the process. However, the more that I have explored the reasons why I continue to remix, post and share; I believe that it is …