Tag: <span>iPhone</span>

Question 293 of 365: Where does documentation get us?

Image via Wikipedia I take notes. I can’t help but listen to others and write down what it is that they have said. I can’t help but summarize and ask questions. I think that margins are for drawings and diagrams. I think that everything requires context, and I am the …

Question 177 of 365: What is plan b?

Image via Wikipedia Preparation is something I had to learn. While I have always planned, true preparation has always eluded me. I mean to say that the ability some people have for seeing the way things will work out before they do has never been my gift. I have to …

Question 126 of 365: Is multi-tasking noise?

Image by natala007 via Flickr People have been up in arms since the iPhone came out that it doesn’t allow multi-tasking. In fact, I was one of those people with arms outstretched. I couldn’t understand why any company as visionary as Apple would want to limit their devices to only …

Question 96 of 365: What's touch got to do with it?

My son wouldn’t stop screaming in the Apple store today. I tried to give him crackers and even Vanilla Wafers to try and get him to entertain himself. But still he wailed. He threw his food on the ground and then screamed until I picked it up for him to …

Question 80 of 365: How can we ask for radical use?

Image via Wikipedia “Use as directed” is a command that is losing all of its value*. I use almost everything for multiple purposes now. My garbage bags hold clothes going to Goodwill, my toothbrush is a drum for my son, and my keys are boxcutters. The things that were meant …

Question 40 of 365: Why can't we focus on making something, rather than the something itself?

It is the product that we are after: the book, the video, the iPhone, the worksheet, and the report. These products are the result of a huge amount of processing, working, collaborating, and creating. And yet, we are so focused on the product itself that we have almost no idea …

Question 21 of 365: What is "wrong" with Widgets and App Stores?

There is a huge insurgence of applications that do a single thing and do it extremely well. They can be served up as a single embeddable object, a facebook app, or simply a standalone piece of software on the iPhone. Every one of them is attempting to find a niche …