Month: <span>June 2010</span>

Question 175 of 365: Where does arrogance come from?

Image via Wikipedia It is impossible to know everything, or to even know all of the things that there are to know in one particular area. We all know this to be true, and yet there is a certain level of arrogance for people in positions of power that seems …

Question 173 of 365: What should an interview be?

Image via Wikipedia I am on a panel to help choose the next Director of Online Learning at the Colorado Department of Education. The panel itself is an cross-section of interests, from higher education to non-profits to multi-district online programs, each of the people who are interviewing the candidates is looking for something  different. …

Question 171 of 365: When is the old stuff just as good as the new stuff?

Image by ibookpaul via Flickr I owned one of the first hard-drive based mp3 players, the Archos Jukebox 6000. It has a full 6 gigabyte hard drive and the most hideous blue bumpers on the four corners. The firmware it was released with played the same “random” order of your …

Question 170 of 365: What is the benefit of rubber handled safety scissors?

Image via Wikipedia The inconsequential saved my daughter a lot of pain today. It probably saved us a trip to the hospital. It definitely saved us finding out the hard way if electrocution is possible using nothing more than a pair of scissors. Frankly, that is not something I ever care to …

Question 169 of 365: What should we do in the hour before?

Image via Wikipedia In the middle of the sixth grade, I realized that I didn’t care much for doing my math homework. Instead of waking up early to figure out the “Advanced Applications” that were assigned to me (which was the name of the class I was taking), I would …

Question 168 of 365: When are we ready to fulfill our promises?

Image via Wikipedia Making promises is one of the easiest things that I have ever done. They just roll off my tongue after a while. In fact, so long as I am talking to someone that is interesting enough, I will continue to make promises just to keep the conversation …

Question 167 of 365: When does the game change?

Image via CrunchBase I wrestled for 2 years when I was in elementary school. I was never all that good at it, but I did manage to win a few matches. Mostly, I only remember trying to sit against a wall in an invisible chair. We were supposed to put …

Question 166 of 365: How can we scrape better?

Image via Wikipedia I guess I might as well go on the record for stating that the future of networks is in scraping. I know that some people are calling it the social graph and the power of the connections and links and liking and all of that, but I …