Tag: <span>Professional Development</span>

Question 175 of 365: Where does arrogance come from?

Image via Wikipedia It is impossible to know everything, or to even know all of the things that there are to know in one particular area. We all know this to be true, and yet there is a certain level of arrogance for people in positions of power that seems …

Discourse about Discourse: Educasts Archive

As I am moving everything over from Podomatic and Edublogs, I thought it only appropriate that I combine the podcasts I have done in the past into an archive. The Future of Literacy   January 23, 2007 08:21PM This is a podcast about how I see the world of literacy …

Learning 2.0: A Colorado Conversation

 This is what I have been working on with a few of the greatest educational technologists in the great state of Colorado (in my opinion only You are invited to attend the Learning 2.0: A Colorado Conversation Conference. What is Learning 2.0: A Colorado Conversation? Learning 2.0: A Colorado Conversation, …

Why should students come to class?

If my students can do the majority of their work with writing and reading online… If my students can receive all of their assignments online… If my students can maintain constant contact with their friends, classmates, and teachers online… If my students can create spaces to come together or work …