Tag: <span>Reflection</span>

Question 125 of 365: Who moved my privacy?

Image via Wikipedia Virginia Woolf wasn’t kidding. Having a room of one’s own matters. That is why teachers who keep their materials on carts are the ones who we pity. It is the reason why we still have stigma around cubicles. It is the reason that we put our names …

Question 124 of 365: Are there clowns hanging up on our walls?

Image via Wikipedia The Cleveland Clinic was my childhood hospital. I visited my pediatrician there with my two brothers more times than I care to remember. I didn’t recognize it as the world-premier institution that it is, though. I just knew it as the place with the clown posters on …

Question 117 of 365: When should you jump ship?

Image via Wikipedia Other people affect us in the strangest ways. Retirement parties are one such example. The rash of these awkward moments in my life have really been getting to me. When people decide to cash in their chips, it really makes me eye the stack I have in …

Question 115 of 365: When should we build things just to knock them down?

Image by unloveablesteve via Flickr Domino Rally required a lot of patience. Setting up the huge amount of dominos in a row without knocking them over required a steady hand and an iron will to get to the very end of your plan instead of settling for knocking it down …

Question 105 of 365: Are we still allowed to be embarrassed?

Image by slambo_42 via Flickr You never know if you can fit underneath a metal folding chair until you try. I used to sing really loud just about any time I got the chance. Ask my childhood neighbors about my lawn mowing falsetto or headphone isolation. I really didn’t have …

Question 59 of 365: When is Judgement better than Feedback?

I speak a lot about the value of perpetual beta or the need to emphasize process over product, so this maybe an entirely hypocritical thing to say. But… Judgement is better than feedback sometimes. Knowing in an absolute sense that someone hates your idea can be preferable to having any …

Question 51 of 365: What do we model in our networks?

I believe that I am not modeling the uses of my network that I actually use my network for. If I have created my network, I have done it wrong. Let me clarify further… I model the link dump quite often by connecting my delicious feed to twitter. What I …

Question 39 of 365: What data points are we missing?

All of the data points matter. The ones that fit neatly inside of your daily life are just as important as the ones that lay way outside of it. The information that causes us to go forward unabated is no less valuable than the stuff that makes us cautious. The …

Question 36 of 365: How does distribution change the message?

There are new devices popping up all over that are shifting the ways in which we get our content. Blu-Ray players no longer just play the discs that the film studios produce; they connect to the internet, play music and let us rent movies from Netflix. The Boxee box creates …

Why should students come to class?

If my students can do the majority of their work with writing and reading online… If my students can receive all of their assignments online… If my students can maintain constant contact with their friends, classmates, and teachers online… If my students can create spaces to come together or work …