Category: <span>#C4C15</span>

#C4C15: The Paradox of Power: How empowering others increases a leader’s strength | The Underdog's Advocate

Decisions that are made as close to the classroom as possible are ones that are most aligned with creating great leadership within schools: Although I am struggling a bit with all of the war/bomb-related metaphors here, I think your point is sound. We can empower teachers and create a chain …

#C4C15: The Growth Mindset & Professional Development: Six Tips for Instructional Leaders | Mattson's Musings

We cannot simply expect finished products. We must honor and value the process of creating them too. Modeling within professional development what we want to see in classrooms should be standard practice, and yet it is often not. Specifically, we tend to put teachers directly into fixed mindsets by denying …

#C4C15: Working in Education through the Language Lens: I don't tolerate "tolerance"!

Tolerance is not enough: When I was in high school, we had a “diversity day” every year. During this day, we had many different speakers come and talk about their different viewpoints. The effort was to ensure that we did not get stuck in our little bubble (which was formidable …

#C4C15: Teaching Coding without a Computer ~ Mrs.Wideen's Blog

Debugging is about more than just programming and algorithms: I really love your approach to teaching kids algorithms and getting them to stick with their plans long enough to see their first implementations before changing them. I think the skill of understanding WHY something didn’t work is the most important …

#C4C15: Shared Practice in Teaching and Teacher Education: Substitution is Not a Bad Thing: Thoughts on the SAMR Model

When is Substitution the right choice for teachers (in the SAMR model): I struggle with this idea and I go back and forth on the merits of substitution. You have made the case for it, and I think it holds. And yet, the point of looking beyond substitution is so …

#C4C15: Shared Practice in Teaching and Teacher Education: Substitution is Not a Bad Thing: Thoughts on the SAMR Model

When is Substitution the right choice for teachers (in the SAMR model): I struggle with this idea and I go back and forth on the merits of substitution. You have made the case for it, and I think it holds. And yet, the point of looking beyond substitution is so …