Category: <span>#C4C15</span>

#C4C15: Teachers as Technology Trailblazers: Drawing the Line Between Success and Mastery #ASCD15

Kristen Swanson models reflection better than almost anyone else I know. I find myself trying to rationalize this journey all of the time. But, it isn’t that I need a better answer to why I engage in community the way that I do, but rather it is that I need …

#C4C15: Innovations in Education – Backwards Planning Professional Development for 1:1

Setting goals for teachers is hard. First, I think these goals are brilliant. In particular, I think these goals are some of the best that I have seen for PD: 1. What is possible to do with technology that could not be done without it 2. Understand that learner questions …

#C4C15: Gaming with the Histocrats: Everything I Learned About History I Learned From Video Games…

Student guest bloggers is a brilliant idea on a professional blog: I am very intrigued as to how the ways in which you “live history” in these games end up showing you the ways in which historical events have played out in real life. I wonder if your empathy for …