#C4C15: The Growth Mindset & Professional Development: Six Tips for Instructional Leaders | Mattson's Musings

#C4C15: The Growth Mindset & Professional Development: Six Tips for Instructional Leaders | Mattson's Musings

We cannot simply expect finished products. We must honor and value the process of creating them too.

Modeling within professional development what we want to see in classrooms should be standard practice, and yet it is often not. Specifically, we tend to put teachers directly into fixed mindsets by denying that they have expertise worth sharing and broadly proclaiming that what they are doing is wrong and needs to be “fixed.”

I really appreciate your methodical approach to creating a growth mindset for teachers and leaders, particularly in “exposing and celebrating the process.” This aspect of teacher and leader development is so hidden that we expect every lesson to simply come out of a teacher’s head fully formed. We expect leaders to make all the right moves and not rely upon others for helping them to tackle all of the needs of a school. By making the process (and all teaching and leading processes) transparent, we are allowing for many more points of collaboration and shared creation.

via The Growth Mindset & Professional Development: Six Tips for Instructional Leaders | Mattson’s Musings.

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