Year: <span>2010</span>

Question 10 of 365: What does Open mean?

Image by D’Arcy Norman via Flickr Right now there is a heated debate going on about what Open Education is and should be. Mark Weller, George Siemens, David Wiley, Jim Groom, Graham Atwell, Frances Bell, Dave Cormier, Darren Draper and Stephen Downes have all weighed in on the issue. I …

Question 9 of 365: Does the screen dictate what is possible?

This year may be the year of the smart phone. It may be the year of the tablet or ebook reader. It may even be the year of networked (not network) television. But all of these new gadgets have really got me pondering whether or not the physical screen is what is limiting …

Questions 7 of 365: Why are we still looking for new ways to answer our questions?

People have been asking questions for a lot longer than I have expertise to comment on (as many of you know, I am not an anthropologist, sociologist nor psychologist). But, I do know that we have asked questions of our parents to know why the sky is blue. We have …

Question 6 of 365: What happens when your Digital Footprint becomes a liability rather than an asset?

Everyone has a digital footprint that could get them into trouble. No matter how careful you are, if you are posting things online, they represent who you are (and possibly who your employer is). So, as you build your network, your content, and your wuffie; you may find yourself in …

#BDNT January 2010

Here I am again at Boulder/Denver New Technology Night at CU Boulder. I am here with my new partner for SpeedGeek Learning, Ashton Honnecke. Tonight’s meeting might not have quite the level of excitement as December’s, but I am optimistic. Let’s see how it goes. People who are hiring: Rage …

Question 5 of 365: How can you eliminate noise within your network?

I am constantly reminded of just how many people are following one another. Daily I get messages from twitter telling me about someone new who is choosing me to follow along with 4000 other folks. While I don’t doubt that some people could have 4000 contacts, the regularity with which …

Question 4 of 365: Which is better: Scalability, Sustainability or Reframablity?

I have thought a lot about how important scalability is for the success of a project, company, or idea. I have long held that unless a project is scalable to the Nth degree, it will soon die and it will not create a lasting change upon the environment from which …

Question 3 of 365: Where are our mass shared experiences in a world of niches?

There is something about the Mash finale or The Beatles first appearance on The Ed Sullivan Show that will never be replicated. They were mainstream media when that was the only kind of media to be. They were shared by over half of the American population at a single time. …

Question 2 of 365: What is the critical mass of a community?

I could give a concrete answer based upon the psudo-science of online community building, or an enigmatic answer that really doesn’t reveal a whole lot. Instead of either of those choices, I would rather answer this question by finding the different ways that people have found significance in this question. …