Year: <span>2010</span>

Question 148 of 365: Who gets notified?

Image by Getty Images via @daylife The shipment of iPads came in. The ones that my father was looking forward to. The one that meant a message from Apple was was sent out to his email address. I was notified because he was notified. And I went and picked it …

Question 147 of 365: Who are the workout haters?

Image via Wikipedia During my first year of college, I decided that I was going to work out every day. And I did. I ate whatever I wanted, but I worked out for at least an hour. I would start off by running on the treadmill or doing the stationary …

Question 146 of 365: How are we taking turns?

Image via Wikipedia My children take turns with the best of them. They have a strong instinct for when it is their turn, but they will (if prompted and given a reason to do so, sometimes) give other people a chance to play with an important toy or go down …

Question 145 of 365: How can we make self policing work?

Image by sociomantic via Flickr Many people are uninterested in social networking. For as many people that are joining Facebook every day (about 500 million total have done so), there is an enormous amount of people who want nothing to do with it. Moreover, there are even more people who …

Question 142 of 365: Who controls the power of suggestion?

Image via Wikipedia My children have trigger words. Certain phrases cannot be said in their presence. If these words are uttered within earshot, the response is so immediate and severe that you will wonder if there will ever be another state of mind for them. These are words like “ice …

Questions 140 of 365: When do we get to see Slim Goodbody?

Image by underwhelmer via Flickr PBS is good for a lot of things. Creating unreal expectations for what the world is like is one of my favorites. From having inquisitive puppet friends to being an incredibly good neighbor, PBS made sure that I never had to make reality my full …