Month: <span>April 2010</span>

Question 100 of 365: Why do we crave a streak?

Image via Wikipedia I used to have these hall of fame baseball figurines of guys like Honus Wagner that I would play with in my bed. I would have them hit home runs and go around my made up bases that I created with the objects on my sheets. I …

Question 99 of 365: What are we trying to prove?

Image via Wikipedia I just had one of the best quiches I have ever tasted. It seemed to be puffed perfectly and filled with the most incredible egg and cheese concoction. I had my laptop out, but I really was only focused on enjoying the quiche. It looked like a …

Question 98 of 365: What will we have time for?

Image via Wikipedia I remember a discussion I had with my homeroom teacher in high school that went something like this: Teacher: I used to play the guitar, a twelve string, and I really loved it. I haven’t played it in years, now. I think it may have a hole …

Question 97 of 365: What are we willing to work for?

Image via Wikipedia I used to tell everyone that I was going to become a teacher. I would tell them that it was the novels that I read in high school that made me first want to do it. I would say that those novels were the ones that I …

Question 96 of 365: What's touch got to do with it?

My son wouldn’t stop screaming in the Apple store today. I tried to give him crackers and even Vanilla Wafers to try and get him to entertain himself. But still he wailed. He threw his food on the ground and then screamed until I picked it up for him to …

Question 95 of 365: What do teams solve?

Groups seem to be the holy grail of social networks. From Linked-in groups to the new Facebook communities to the millions of people self-organizing in Ning networks, groups have become the default setting for communication and collaboration. When you are in doubt about the effectiveness of your web application, throw …

Question 94 of 365: Should we buy and sell our screen real estate?

My wife and I sold our first house this weekend. It was the place that both of our children started their lives. It was the first place that we could truly call our own. And, it now belongs to someone else. It is theirs to experience and tell stories about. …

Question 93 of 365: What are our plans for data?

I don’t think that I will ever get over the fact that a world of information exists in the air I breathe. I am continually amazed by wifi and 3g and all of the other networks that carry our data as if there was nothing more natural in the world. …