Month: <span>April 2009</span>

Twitter as Feed Reader

Image via CrunchBase I have been more and more interested with using twitter as my primary means of staying fully connected, including receiving important updates on topics that are close to me (via twitter search and Nambu), cultivating a network of people that I can go to at any time …

New Responsibility

I was thinking about waiting until I got a little further into the project to start blogging about it, but since I made the choice to start blogging daily, I have really found that this forum let’s me think through all of the things that I need to.  So the …

Strategy Matters

Image via Wikipedia I really appreciate all of the talk recently about how a district can use strategy as a way forward with connected learning. The conversations around losing Web 2.0 tools (or losing their “free” status) is warranted, especially with how much we have come to rely on them …

Who are "they"?

In a post from a few days ago, a reader of this blog asked a very simple question: I would ask why are they less willing and who are the “they”? You often refer to asking the right questions and so I would encourage you to ask Who and Why …


I was at a restaurant this morning with my family and my wife’s fingers were getting stickier and stickier from the leaky maple syrup container. After a while she started looking for some water to wash them off with. Her water cup was empty but the condensation on the outside …