Learning is Change


Cores 1+4:

  1. Blog-on:
  2. Work on personal curriculum with a view toward sharing your knowledge with a specific audience.
    • How will you demonstrate that you have learned something to that audience?
    • What do you still need in order to get your personal curriculum goal accomplished?
    • Will your audience be able to learn from you, and will they be able to repeat the feat of learning?
  3. Work on your long-running Academy Authentic, to be shared out for commenting at the end of this week.
  4. Comment on the Utopian poems from one another’s blogs.
  5. Extensions:
    • Continue your work on personal curriculum and academy authentics.

Core 2:

  1. Review-on: Rev-it-Up
  2. Brainstorm:
  3. Three possibilities for working with laptops today:
    • Write your day 15 journal on your own google doc.
    • Help your group out with their goals and what if’s (of which you will get one more today).
    • Start to create your voicethread for your presentation of your island like this one:
  4. Extensions:

Core 3:

  1. Read and think on:
  2. Comment on at least 2-3 reflective pieces of your friends and peers.
    • What do you think they believe about the subject they are writing about? What is the truth they were putting forth.
  3. Continue your pursuit for a new genre of writing on your blog.
    • Talk about why you would like to attempt this genre.
    • Challenge yourself to do something that you wouldn’t ordinarily write about.
    • Tell Mr. Wilkoff when you are finished so that we can talk about them and your writing style 1 on 1.
  4. Extensions:
    • Finish your “new blogging” piece (and your reflective piece if you still need to post it).


Core 1:

  1. Blog-on:
  2. Starting to work on personal curriculum with a view toward sharing your knowledge.
    • How will you demonstrate that you have learned something?
    • What do you still need in order to get your personal curriculum goal accomplished?
    • Will others be able to learn from you?
  3. Work on your long-running Academy Authentic, to be shared out for commenting at the end of this week.
  4. Comment on the Utopian poems from one another’s blogs.
  5. Extensions:
    • Continue your work on personal curriculum and academy authentics.

Core 2:

  1. Write-on:
  2. Start your own Journal document (you don’t have to share it with anyone) and type up your Day 1 Journal Entry, revising it for detail as you go.
  3. Finalize your goals today and get your first what-if.
    • Choose a what-if out of the hat and react to it in a new section of your collaborative document.
  4. Extensions:
    • Continue to work on your Survival Simulations.

Core 3:

  1. Goal for today:
    • To receive feedback on your reflective writing piece from your classmates.
  2. How to get it done.
    • Post your piece to your blog and ask your friends to comment on it.
    • Tell them to write about what truth or beliefs are explored in this piece.
  3. Goal for today:
  4. How to get it done.
    • Write a new post of your choosing within a new genre of blogging in order to expand what is possible on your blog and to grow our community without another assignment blogging piece.
  5. Extensions:
    • Continue to comment on the reflective pieces and finish your “new blogging” piece.

Core 4:Core 1:

  1. Blog-on:
  2. Starting to work on personal curriculum with a view toward sharing your knowledge.
    • How will you demonstrate that you have learned something?
    • What do you still need in order to get your personal curriculum goal accomplished?
    • Will others be able to learn from you?
  3. Work on your long-running Academy Authentic, to be shared out for commenting at the end of this week.
  4. Comment on the Utopian poems from one another’s blogs.
  5. Extensions:
    • Blog your utopian poem and ask 2 people to comment on why they think it is utopian or which images and metaphors they think are particularly effective.


Core 1:

  1. Write-on: (Simile, Metaphor, Alliteration, Rhyme, Imagery, Symbolism, et.c)
  2. Talk about Literary Devices and Terms
  3. Return to Utopian poetry.
    • How does the Tipslastt format help you to understand and appreciate the poems you read?
    • Which literary devices are present in the poems (yours and theirs) and how do the underscore the meaning?
  4. Share your poems with the class and look for imagery and other literary devices.
  5. Extensions:
    • Post your poem to your blog if you haven’t already.

Core 2:

  1. Describe-on:
  2. Rev-it-Up: A Story
  3. What is your first day on the Island like?
    • How would you describe it?
    • What do you see? Smell? Taste? Touch? Hear?
    • Where do you go?
    • What do you suspect?
  4. Write your first island journal entry.
    • Discuss it with your group.
    • Does it go along with other people’s conceptions of their first day?
    • What do you need to revise.
  5. Extensions:
    • Work on your Survival Simulation Google Docs
    • Finish your first journal entry.

Core 3:

  1. Read Hospital Sketches
    • Why did Alcott write this piece?
    • How is it an example of Romanticism?
    • What beliefs do you think that the narrator holds?
    • Why is the journal form chosen for this piece?
  2. Do your own bit of reflection on starting a new endeavor. What was it like? How did you hear things differently?
  3. Extension:
    • Finish your reflective piece for Wednesday.

Core 4:

  1. Write-on: (Simile, Metaphor, Alliteration, Rhyme, Imagery, Symbolism, et.c)
  2. Talk about Literary Devices and Terms
  3. Return to Utopian poetry.
    • How does the Tipslastt format help you to understand and appreciate the poems you read?
    • Which literary devices are present in the poems and how do the underscore the meaning?
  4. Create a unique perspective in your own utopian poem.
    • What images are you going to invoke?
    • What metaphors would help to explain your vision of utopia?
  5. Extension
    • Finish your utopian poem for tomorrow.


Cores 1+4:

  1. Write-on:
  2. Using the survey for discussion.
    • How does learning about new types of Utopia teach us about the old?
    • Is our society changing fundamentally because of our need for utopia on the internet?
  3. (Core 1 only) How did your Utopian poems inform your conception of Utopia?
  4. Extensions:
    • Have a good weekend.
    • Read out of your AR book.

Core 2:

  1. Describe-on:
  2. Rev-it-Up: A Story
  3. What is your first day on the Island like?
    • How would you describe it?
    • What do you see? Smell? Taste? Touch? Hear?
    • Where do you go?
    • What do you suspect?
  4. Write your first island journal entry.
    • Discuss it with your group.
    • Does it go along with other people’s conceptions of their first day?
    • What do you need to revise.
  5. Extensions:
    • Work on your Survival Simulation Google Docs
    • Finish your first journal entry.

Core 3:

  1. Write-on:
  2. Finish discussion of Poe:
    • What makes the situation so sinister?
    • Who are you in the situation, the victim or the aggressor?
  3. Delve into Hospital Sketches.
    • What do you think of when you describe a hospital to someone?
  4. Extension:
    • Finish reading Hospital Sketches.

Learning 2.0: The Colorado Conversation (The Reminder)

My anticipation is rising. The time is drawing near when Learning 2.0 will be here. I will not attempt to recreate Karl’s amazingly concise post (if you have read my blog for any length of time, you will know that brevity is not always my first priority).

The purpose of this post is just to keep the awareness at an all time high that things are happening in Colorado. We aren’t trying to be the EdTech mecca, just to have a unified (whatever that means) voice for change. Let’s see what happens.

“Just a reminder for those of you attending – either physically or virtually – that Learning 2.0: A Colorado Conversation is coming up this Saturday, February 23rd, from 9:00 am – 2:30 pm MST. If you registered, you should’ve received this email a few days ago with some updated information. And here’s the schedule for the day’s activities.

For those of you interested in attending virtually, we will be attempting to Ustream the seven sessions – channel info here.
Please keep in mind that our first priority is pulling off the physical
conference, so if the Ustream happens it will be a bonus, but we’re
going to give it a shot.

We have about 170 folks registered,
although I imagine a few will change their minds at the last minute.
The weather looks like it’s going to cooperate, everything is planned
out and we think (emphasis on think) we’ve thought of everything. It’s going to be interesting . . .”


Cores 1+4:

  1. Discuss-on:
  2. How is your Utopian Art Analysis going?
    • Which Utopian truths do you see most often being exemplified?
    • Which pieces of art where particularly thought provoking?
  3. Continue work on Utopian Art handouts.
  4. Extension: Can the internet be thought of as a utopia? Why or why not?

Core 2:

  1. Write-on:
  2. Rev-it-up
  3. Discuss progress on Survival Simulations.
  4. Continue working through Goals.
  5. Extension:
    • What is one thing that could destroy your society if it occurred (it doesn’t have to be catastrophic.)

Core 3:

  1. Write-on:
  2. Debrief Students 2.0
    • What did you see what the general belief that students had on this site?
    • Did you think that their opinions were biased toward a particular way of thinking?
    • What would you call  this -ism and why?
  3. How can killing be a part of romanticism?
    • How is the death in Poe’s story about romanticism?
  4. Extension: Is there any belief that is worth persecuting someone about? Why or why not?

Unconventional Podcasting

Podcasting is not one thing. It is not an audio file format. It is not an iTunes feed. Podcasting is bigger than that. It includes the ideas of digital storytelling, new literacy, audio and video sharing, the writing process, and the Read/Write web. But none of those words matter.

What matters is the learning, the change we are making in the classroom. So, what is the best way to do this? The quickest way? The way that makes technology invisible instead of opaque?

The Presentation PDF – Starter Tools, Creator Tools, Designer Tools

Creating Enhanced Podcasts on the PC 



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Cores 1+4:

  1. Pair Discuss-on:
  2. Analyze Utopian Poetry.
  3. Create a unique perspective in your own utopian poem.
    • What images are you going to invoke?
    • What metaphors would help to explain your vision of utopia?
  4. Extensions:
    • Finish your Utopian poem for next Wednesday
    • Talk about what next week looks like.

Core 2:

  1. Write-on:
    • What will you have to face?
  2. Rev-it-up
  3. Talk about survival simulations. (Print off a new copy of the PDF if you need one.)
    • What is required?
    • Who is in your group?
    • What are the first steps?

  4. Extensions:
    • Start to brainstorm (and write down) who your character is in the survival simulation.

Core 3:

  1. Brainstorm on:
  2. Read Edgar Allen Poe’s Dark Romanticism story.
    • How does this story live up to the Romanticist’s beliefs?
    • Why would someone want to delve into morbid and macabre themes?
  3. Talk about the next Image Grammar Activity
  4. Extension:
    • Turn in your Academy Authentic via Academy e-mail.
    • Think about: How does revealing the darker side of life, help you to articulate your beliefs?