Learning is Change


Cores 1+4:

  1. Write-on:
  2. Comparison of Jones and Napoleon’s leadership.
    • How is Animal Farm in some ways worse than it was before?
  3. What is the definition of success in a battle?
  4. Read Chapter 8 of Animal Farm
    • Why are the pigs new rules so far reaching?
    • Why are they not satisfied with equality?
    • Did the animal truly succeed in the second battle? What did they win?
  5. Extensions:
    • Finish your final draft of your Utopia for Sunday night.

Core 2:

  1. Write-on:
  2. Rev-it-up
  3. Read Chapter 9 of Animal Farm
    • What does the new generation of pigs mean for the farm?
    • Do you think that anyone will get to retire?
    • How does Boxer’s health lead to the final straw of inequality?
  4. Discuss the script, bringing in supplies, etc.
  5. Extensions:
    • Be finished with 5 sections of your Utopia for Friday.

Core 3:

  1. Write-on:
  2. Read the Striped Pig of DedHam
    • How do the specific words (especially the unfamiliar words) affect the tone of the story?
    • What are the specific metaphors/symbols described in the story?
  3. Why did the temperance movement take root in the 19th Century?
  4. Extensions: Finish 4 Sections and 4 Multi-media elements of your -Ism for Friday.


Cores 1+4:

  1. Write-on:
  2. AR Update
  3. Read Animal Farm Chapter 7.
    • Why do the dogs go after Boxer?
    • Why is beasts of England really banned?
  4. How is animal farm like the time of Jones and How is it different?
  5. Extensions:
    • Finish your final draft of your Utopia for Friday.

Core 2:

  1. Rev-It-On.
  2. Auditions for Pigeon #4, Pigeon #5, Peter Pong, Boxer x 2, Snowball
  3. Discuss needs for each scene and assign scene captains.
  4. Practice scenes and prepare for tomorrow.
  5. Extensions:
    • Practice your lines so that you won’t need the paper and finish 5 sections for Friday.

Core 3:

  1. Write-on:
  2. Going deeper into 19th century debates:
    • What does temperance mean to you?
    • What is the Striped Pig of Dedham?
  3. What are the many metaphors found in this image?
  4. Read the Striped Pig of Dedham.
    • What are the metaphors in the story?
  5. Extensions:
    • Finish 4 Sections and 4 Multimedia elements for Friday.


Cores 1+4:

  1. Write or Blog-on:
  2. Tedfish’s Land Tour
  3. Demo: Touring your Utopia wiki pages with screencast-o-matic.
  4. Work on your final draft and your tour.
    • Ask others for feedback and comments.
    • Spend a large amount of time actually giving feedback.
  5. Extensions:
    • Your final draft is due on Sunday Night.

Core 2:

  1. Brainstorm-on: Brainstorm for Infrastructure.
  2. Audition for parts tomorrow: be prepared.
  3. Work on your utopia for our three purposes:
    • Creating Community
    • Telling the story of Utopia
    • Enhancing our ideas
  4. Extensions:
    • Five sections due by Friday.

Core 3:

  1. Act-on:
  2. Turn in your paragraphs.
  3. Select inner circle, drop-ins, and outer circle moderators.
  4. Debate!
  5. Extensions:
    • Finish four sections and four multimedia elements for Friday.


Cores 1+4:

  1. Write-on:
  2. Read Animal Farm Chapter 7.
    • Why does everyone see/hear/smell Snowball?
    • Why is it necessary to change everyone’s viewpoint of snowball by altering the past?
    • Why do the dogs go after Boxer?
    • Why is beasts of England really banned?
    • Do the punishments at the end of Chapter 7 fit the crimes?
  3. Extensions:
    • Finish the final draft of your Utopia for Friday.

Core 2:

  1. Write-on:
  2. Rev-it-Up
  3. Discuss Script, parts, costumes and crew.
    • Speaking Parts
    • Extras
    • Camera people
    • Costume creators
  4. Audition and Finalize Roles
  5. Extensions:
    • Practice your part for Animal Farm Movie/Play.

Core 3:

  1. Write-on:
  2. Discuss Fishbowl format.
    • Presenters
    • Inner Circle
    • Outer Circle
    • Outer Circle Moderators
  3. Practice fischbowl debate on the following topic- Solved: Technology is a good influence on today’s society.
  4. Practice Cover It Live.
  5. Extensions:
    • Prepare for debate tomorrow.

Learning Language

I don’t usually post personal things on this blog, but I thought that this was just too important to leave unpublished.

My daughter is learning language at an amazing rate. She knows more words at 18 months than I thought was possible, but they aren’t just any words. They are words that are important for her. They are words that have a meaning and a context for her life.

Normally I would turn this experience into an educational rant about creating authentic places for our students to learn language and curriculum, but for now I will just leave you with this video.

[flash w=320 h=240]



Cores 1+4:

  1. Think-on:
    • What should it be?
  2. Work on your utopia for our three purposes:
    • Creating Community
    • Telling the story of Utopia
    • Enhancing our ideas
  3. Extensions:
    • Finish rough draft of your Utopia for Friday.

Cores 4:

  1. Act-on:
  2. Write up your scene on our Google Doc and then revise it so that it goes along with the other scenes (you may also edit other’s scenes in order to make it more fluid).
  3. Work on your utopia for our three purposes:
    • Creating Community
    • Telling the story of Utopia
    • Enhancing our ideas
  4. Extensions:
    • Be finished with 4 sections of your Utopia by Sunday night.

Core 3:

  1. Brainstorm-on:
  2. Work on your ism, creative voice for your beliefs.
  3. Extensions:
    • Be finished with three sections and three multimedia elements by Friday.


Cores 1+4:

  1. Discuss-on:
  2. Talk about rough draft of Wiki
  3. Finish Chapter 6 of Animal Farm:
    • What does the Windmill represent to the animals?
    • How is Snowball used as a scapegoat for the windmill?
  4. Did snowball do it?
    • With evidence from the book, support your answer in at least one paragraph.
  5. Extensions:
    • Finish rough draft of your Utopia for Friday.
    • Finish answer to snowball question if you didn’t do it in class.

Core 2:

  1. Brainstorm-on:
  2. Rev-it-Up!
  3. Choose Scenes
    • What is the best way to set up a scene?
    • What kinds of stage directions will you need?
    • What dialog is important (will you have to make up)?
    • How can you make these scenes more descriptive for the stage?
  4. Start to draft your scenes.
  5. Extensions:
    • Be finished with your fourth section on the Utopia wiki.

Core 3:

  1. Write-on:
  2. Watch Born to Trouble.
    • Take notes for both sides of the censorship debate to prepare us for persuading others.
  3. Establish the sides of the debate and come together the best arguments that your side has with the support given in the movie, the article, and within your own lives.
  4. Extensions:
    • Be finished with four sections and three multimedia elements by Friday.


Cores 1+4:

  1. Write-on:
  2. Talk about Core Wikis
  3. Collect Predictions.
  4. Finish Chapter 6 of Animal Farm:
    • What does the Windmill represent to the animals?
    • How is Snowball used as a scapegoat for the windmill?
  5. Extensions:
    • Finish rough draft of your Utopia for Friday.

Core 2:

  1. Write-on:
  2. Rev-it-up Intro to Lesson 4
  3. Take a look at the two battle scenes for scene creation, dialog, and stage direction
    • Battle One:

      Early in October, when the corn was cut and stacked and some of it
      was already threshed, a flight of pigeons came whirling through the air
      and alighted in the yard of Animal Farm in the wildest excitement.
      Jones and all his men, with half a dozen others from Foxwood and
      Pinchfield, had entered the five-barred gate and were coming up the
      cart-track that led to the farm. They were all carrying sticks, except
      Jones, who was marching ahead with a gun in his hands. Obviously they
      were going to attempt the recapture of the farm.

      This had long
      been expected, and all preparations had been made. Snowball, who had
      studied an old book of Julius Caesar’s campaigns which he had found in
      the farmhouse, was in charge of the defensive operations. He gave his
      orders quickly, and in a couple of minutes every animal was at his

      As the human beings approached the farm buildings,
      Snowball launched his first attack. All the pigeons, to the number of
      thirty-five, flew to and fro over the men’s heads and muted upon them
      from mid-air; and while the men were dealing with this, the geese, who
      had been hiding behind the hedge, rushed out and pecked viciously at
      the calves of their legs. However, this was only a light skirmishing
      manoeuvre, intended to create a little disorder, and the men easily
      drove the geese off with their sticks. Snowball now launched his second
      line of attack. Muriel, Benjamin, and all the sheep, with Snowball at
      the head of them, rushed forward and prodded and butted the men from
      every side, while Benjamin turned around and lashed at them with his
      small hoofs. But once again the men, with their sticks and their
      hobnailed boots, were too strong for them; and suddenly, at a squeal
      from Snowball, which was the signal for retreat, all the animals turned
      and fled through the gateway into the yard.

      The men gave a
      shout of triumph. They saw, as they imagined, their enemies in flight,
      and they rushed after them in disorder. This was just what Snowball had
      intended. As soon as they were well inside the yard, the three horses,
      the three cows, and the rest of the pigs, who had been lying in ambush
      in the cowshed, suddenly emerged in their rear, cutting them off.
      Snowball now gave the signal for the charge. He himself dashed straight
      for Jones. Jones saw him coming, raised his gun and fired. The pellets
      scored bloody streaks along Snowball’s back, and a sheep dropped dead.
      Without halting for an instant, Snowball flung his fifteen stone
      against Jones’s legs. Jones was hurled into a pile of dung and his gun
      flew out of his hands. But the most terrifying spectacle of all was
      Boxer, rearing up on his hind legs and striking out with his great
      iron-shod hoofs like a stallion. His very first blow took a stable-lad
      from Foxwood on the skull and stretched him lifeless in the mud. At the
      sight, several men dropped their sticks and tried to run. Panic
      overtook them, and the next moment all the animals together were
      chasing them round and round the yard. They were gored, kicked, bitten,
      trampled on. There was not an animal on the farm that did not take
      vengeance on them after his own fashion. Even the cat suddenly leapt
      off a roof onto a cowman’s shoulders and sank her claws in his neck, at
      which he yelled horribly. At a moment when the opening was clear, the
      men were glad enough to rush out of the yard and make a bolt for the
      main road. And so within five minutes of their invasion they were in
      ignominious retreat by the same way as they had come, with a flock of
      geese hissing after them and pecking at their calves all the way.

    • Battle Two:

      The very next morning the attack
      came. The animals were at breakfast when the look-outs came racing in
      with the news that Frederick and his followers had already come through
      the five-barred gate. Boldly enough the animals sallied forth to meet
      them, but this time they did not have the easy victory that they had
      had in the Battle of the Cowshed. There were fifteen men, with half a
      dozen guns between them, and they opened fire as soon as they got
      within fifty yards. The animals could not face the terrible explosions
      and the stinging pellets, and in spite of the efforts of Napoleon and
      Boxer to rally them, they were soon driven back. A number of them were
      already wounded. They took refuge in the farm buildings and peeped
      cautiously out from chinks and knot-holes. The whole of the big
      pasture, including the windmill, was in the hands of the enemy. For the
      moment even Napoleon seemed at a loss. He paced up and down without a
      word, his tail rigid and twitching. Wistful glances were sent in the
      direction of Foxwood. If Pilkington and his men would help them, the
      day might yet be won. But at this moment the four pigeons, who had been
      sent out on the day before, returned, one of them bearing a scrap of
      paper from Pilkington. On it was pencilled the words: “Serves you

      Meanwhile Frederick and his men had halted about the
      windmill. The animals watched them, and a murmur of dismay went round.
      Two of the men had produced a crowbar and a sledge hammer. They were
      going to knock the windmill down.

      “Impossible!” cried
      Napoleon. “We have built the walls far too thick for that. They could
      not knock it down in a week. Courage, comrades!”

      But Benjamin
      was watching the movements of the men intently. The two with the hammer
      and the crowbar were drilling a hole near the base of the windmill.
      Slowly, and with an air almost of amusement, Benjamin nodded his long

      “I thought so,” he said. “Do you not see what they are
      doing? In another moment they are going to pack blasting powder into
      that hole.”

      Terrified, the animals waited. It was impossible
      now to venture out of the shelter of the buildings. After a few minutes
      the men were seen to be running in all directions. Then there was a
      deafening roar. The pigeons swirled into the air, and all the animals,
      except Napoleon, flung themselves flat on their bellies and hid their
      faces. When they got up again, a huge cloud of black smoke was hanging
      where the windmill had been. Slowly the breeze drifted it away. The
      windmill had ceased to exist!

      At this sight the animals’
      courage returned to them. The fear and despair they had felt a moment
      earlier were drowned in their rage against this vile, contemptible act.
      A mighty cry for vengeance went up, and without waiting for further
      orders they charged forth in a body and made straight for the enemy.
      This time they did not heed the cruel pellets that swept over them like
      hail. It was a savage, bitter battle. The men fir

      again and again,
      and, when the animals got to close quarters, lashed out with their
      sticks and their heavy boots. A cow, three sheep, and two geese were
      killed, and nearly everyone was wounded. Even Napoleon, who was
      directing operations from the rear, had the tip of his tail chipped by
      a pellet. But the men did not go unscathed either. Three of them had
      their heads broken by blows from Boxer’s hoofs; another was gored in
      the belly by a cow’s horn; another had his trousers nearly torn off by
      Jessie and Bluebell. And when the nine dogs of Napoleon’s own
      bodyguard, whom he had instructed to make a detour under cover of the
      hedge, suddenly appeared on the men’s flank, baying ferociously, panic
      overtook them. They saw that they were in danger of being surrounded.
      Frederick shouted to his men to get out while the going was good, and
      the next moment the cowardly enemy was running for dear life. The
      animals chased them right down to the bottom of the field, and got in
      some last kicks at them as they forced their way through the thorn

  4. Extensions:
    • Create a draft of your scene for Tomorrow.

Core 3:

  1. Write-on:
  2. Watch Born to Trouble.
    • Take notes for both sides of the censorship debate to prepare us for persuading others.
  3. Be finished with four sections and three multimedia elements by Friday.


Cores 1, 2+4:

  1. Discuss-on: How do you create a consistent writing voice when you are working on your utopia?
  2. Reactions:
  3. Work on your utopia for our three purposes:
    • Creating Community
    • Telling the story of Utopia
    • Enhancing our ideas
  4. Extensions:
    • Finish your 5th section by tonight (or 3rd if you are in core 2).

Core 3:

  1. What Are Our Metaphors for belief?
  2. Work on your ism, creative voice for your beliefs.
  3. Extensions:
    • Have at least 2 sections and two pieces of media or 4 sections and no media done for tonight.


Cores 1, 2, and 4:

  1. Plan-on:
  2. Work on your utopia for our three purposes:
    • Creating Community
    • Telling the story of Utopia
    • Enhancing our ideas
  3. Finish your 2 (for cores 1+4) or 1 (for core 2) sections of your utopia for Tomorrow night.

Core 3:

  1. Plan-on:
  2. Gcasting demo and inserting audio into wiki.
  3. Work on your belief structure template on the wiki.
    • Using Bubbl.us to show how beliefs are connected
    • Finding a great image metaphor on Morguefile
  4. Extensions:
    • Finish 1 additional section and one visual aide for Friday.