Learning is Change

Thinking about making a request for information fully transparent. Each vendor could see the other vendor’s…

Thinking about making a request for information fully transparent. Each vendor could see the other vendor’s responses. Also, other school districts and organizations that have done similar work could respond and gain insight from the responses. What do you think of the idea? Any reasons not to do so?

My thought is that by making it entirely transparent, all other school districts could benefit. We can also make the process of a request for information into a learning opportunity.

Thinking about making a request for information fully transparent.

Thinking about making a request for information fully transparent. Each vendor could see the other vendor’s responses. Also, other school districts and organizations that have done similar work could respond and gain insight from the responses. What do you think of the idea? Any reasons not to do so?

My thought is that by making it entirely transparent, all other school districts could benefit. We can also make the process of a request for information into a learning opportunity.

Hey, all.

Hey, all. I just wanted to let you know that I have set up a Google Drive folders for sharing resources across all schools that are doing some form of blended learning in the coming school year. The George Washington folder is here: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0ByXFNpMMmaw3R1Z3R1pQT3NNTDg&usp=sharing

If you share anything inside of the “Resources” folder it will automatically be shared with the other schools. So please share generously, but don’t remove things because they will be removed for everyone. Let me know if this doesn’t make sense, though.


Hey, all. I just wanted to let you know that I have set up a Google Drive folders for sharing resources across all…

Hey, all. I just wanted to let you know that I have set up a Google Drive folders for sharing resources across all schools that are doing some form of blended learning in the coming school year. The George Washington folder is here: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0ByXFNpMMmaw3R1Z3R1pQT3NNTDg&usp=sharing

If you share anything inside of the “Resources” folder it will automatically be shared with the other schools. So please share generously, but don’t remove things because they will be removed for everyone. Let me know if this doesn’t make sense, though.


I just added (nearly) all of the Google Apps For Education Summit (from CA this weekend) presentations and resources…

I just added (nearly) all of the Google Apps For Education Summit (from CA this weekend) presentations and resources to our #GTACHI  share drive folder. So many great ideas!

Look in Resources and then PD/Presentations, and you should be good to go. Oh, and please add more things if you have them in your drive: http://bit.ly/gtachishare


I set up a Google Hangout chat yesterday for #gtachi  in order to have some synchronous communication over time…

I set up a Google Hangout chat yesterday for #gtachi  in order to have some synchronous communication over time that wasn’t just in the G+ community. I was able to add everyone from the community except for the four of you for some reason. My guess is that possibly you haven’t switched to the new version of hangouts that includes chat and that is the issue, but I wanted to let you know. Talk to you all soon, and I am looking forward to learning from you.