Category: <span>Classroom Resources</span>


Core 1: Making the N-word History. What is Cresthill’s hierarchy of names? Read Chapter 3 and discuss the dignity of getting even. Core 2: Look at Maus analysis on PotatoPotatoPugPug’s Blog. What else do these elements (flies, dead bodies, getting smaller, mouse masks, etc.) represent. Draw a flow chart of …


Core 1: The context of Racial Slurs: Why are they so powerful? Destructive? What does it mean today? What did it mean in the 1930’s? Who can say them? How does it change the way we look at the characters in the book? Read Chapter 2. What is the significance …


 Cores 1-4: Vote on Guest Blogging Question: How have you changed since you were in middle school? What piece of advice do you wish you had when you were in middle school? What is the most important decision you have ever made? What is the one thing that you wish …


Core 1: Write-On: Why is the novel genre so powerful? Introduction to Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry. Go over my expectations for reading and engaging in the Novel. Core 2: How big is the generation gap between you and your grandparents? How do you think your experience differs from …


Cores 1-4: Discuss rules for guest blogging (something simple enough that even a parent could understand them). What is transliteracy? What does it challenge us to do? Develop proper usage for video in your blogs. What about web junk? The concept of building. The concept of school appropriate. Nominate, Comment, …


I am finally back for good. Thank you for still engaging in class even though I wasn’t here to enjoy all of the fruits of your labor. Don’t think that I forgot about any of you, though. Along with taking care of my wife and my daughter, I was still …


Cores 1-4: Honor the new Authenticity Awards. Core 1: Discuss-On: What is it about Blogging is like Football that most resonates with you? Go over “Choosing the right word” in the vocab books. Play vocabulary basketball to review for quiz tomorrow. Core 2: Read Blogging is like Football. Discussion questions: …


Cores 1 and 2: Randomly select username for celebrity commenting. Write-On: Comment on one post from the “Celebrity User.” You may use a comment starter to help you make a more authentic comment. Write your weekly authentic for this week and don’t forget to nominate for The Authenticity Awards. Core …


Core 1: Go over Choosing the Right word for Unit 8 vocabulary book. Write-On: Write a simile/metaphor that compares blogging to an event, action, or idea. (“Blogging is like football, putting out a fire, fishing, etc.”) Read Blogging is like Football. What is your personal purpose for blogging, for writing …


Core 1: Go over Synonyms and Antonyms in Unit 8. Revisit belief statements as genre: Why is it important to outline your belief statements? Brainstorm belief statements. Refine belief statements with Write your own Belief Statement piece. Core 2: Do quick word work-outs using The Nerd Herd Big Word …