Author: <span>Ben Wilkoff</span>

#C4C15: Student Centered History: Technology and Critical Thinking: From My Students: What Teacher PD Should Focus On

Students should have a say on what PD their teachers receive… I love the way in which you have framed this question to students, as they are the ones who most directly are going to be served by better PD. One thought I have, though, is how we might take this …

#C4C15: Please Don’t Call Me Brave: For Those Who Continue to Teach From Within the Closet | Crawling Out of the Classroom

We need a Brave (New) World: What resonates with me most about this post is when speak about the world being weak: “It is this world that we live in that can be weak. This world that is too afraid to embrace change. This world that is too afraid to …

#C4C15: Nocking The Arrow: Does Digital Contribution Trump Digital Citizenship?

There really is a difference in the way you approach student access to social media: I really like the way that you have framed this as a case of “modeling” rather than of “gatekeeping.” I don’t see the need for a digital content ‘license to drive’ as much as the …

#C4C15: Idle Confessions of a Teacher Trying Something New — Teaching, Learning, & Education — Medium

An amazing piece from a teacher who is trying something new in the classroom and feeling understandable pushback from students and parents: I think this fear is absolutely understandable. You are doing something amazing, and that is scary. My favorite thing that you have done about this fear is face …

#C4C15: Differentiated Instruction Does Work | Living Avivaloca

A wonderful rebuttal to the Education Week article decrying differentiation: I had similar issues with the Education Week article, and I am so glad that you have framed differentiation as difficult but still worthwhile. I think your list of “maybes” is the most compelling argument for defining differentiation in a …