Year: <span>2010</span>

Question 84 of 365: Should we want to be darlings?

Image by ciaranj75 via Flickr I realize that it is often a very specific push that gets you on your way. The folks doing that pushing are ussually called rainmakers or some other similarly flattering name. They are the ones with the capacity to tell everyone else just what to …

Question 83 of 365: What does it mean to be device free?

Image via Wikipedia We are dependent upon our computers for our livelihoods and our entertainment. We are dependent upon our cell phones for communication and connection. We are dependent upon dozens of technologies in our daily lives but if we were more accurate with this dependency, we are dependent upon …

Question 82 of 365: Who should we have in our buildings?

I enjoy talking about space a whole lot. It doesn’t matter whether it is online or physical, the concept intrigues me to no end. I could debate what should be a part of a space the create the best environment for collaboration for hours and not be tired of thinking …

Question 81 of 365: What can we reverse engineer?

I would love to be able to talk about the reverse engineering of DVD encryption or iPhone firmware intelligently, but mostly I would be quoting from wikipedia entries on the topics. I love the fact that people can take a look at an object or technology and see just how …

Question 80 of 365: How can we ask for radical use?

Image via Wikipedia “Use as directed” is a command that is losing all of its value*. I use almost everything for multiple purposes now. My garbage bags hold clothes going to Goodwill, my toothbrush is a drum for my son, and my keys are boxcutters. The things that were meant …

Question 79 of 365: How do you monitor your periphery?

I do a decent job of staying in touch with my friends and co-workers. I answer e-mail, IM or Skype, call, and even occasionally talk to them in person. I can do that without much effort because these people are well known to me. They are the ones that make …

Question 78 of 365: Should your brand be a person?

The is no lack of branding going on in the twittersphere or on any of the social networks that have built huge organization promotion services (Yelp, FourSquare, Facebook). Once a company or non-profit has seen potential to get more eyeballs on their product, they have launched head first into the …

Question 76 of 365: How can we demonstrate progress?

Image via Wikipedia My daughter has decided to start screaming every time she goes into her room for a nap or bedtime. It isn’t that she doesn’t want to be there, it is just that it wasn’t completely on her terms. And, doing things on her terms is everything. As …

Question 75 of 365: What are the new Triple Dog Dares?

Image by abbey*christine via Flickr I’m sure that A Christmas Story has been formative for many just as it was for me. I’m also sure that many have thought about the Triple Dog Dares that they have subsequently faced as a result of that iconic line of dialogue. But, I …