Month: <span>October 2010</span>

Question 280 of 365: Do we need Man Caves?

Image via Wikipedia Call it an office or a tool shed or a garage, but the Man Cave has become something of a mythical figure in daily married life. It is something to aspire to if you don’t have one or escape to if you do. It is decked out …

Question 277 of 365: Are we on the clock?

I used to put my hours on a time card. I used to slot it into metal container made especially for that purpose. I didn’t punch in because that would have required too much investment on the machine that actually made the punches. I would just carefully scrawl the time …

Question 276 of 365: Are our expectations for breakfast too low?

Image via Wikipedia To a large extent, my wife bases her day on how good her breakfast is. To be sure, she has a weekday regimen of fresh bananas, yogurt and Puffins (a decently healthy cereal that has the namesake animal on the front). But, on the weekends, all bets …