Month: <span>August 2010</span>

Question 235 of 365: What is the real nightmare of testing?

Cover of Waking Life I don’t put much stock in dreams, at least not the kind that you can have when you sleep. Most of the time, I like to think that my subconscious just has a little more room to roam. I have an off switch and nighttime is when I flip it. …

Question 234 of 365: What is the new mix?

Image via Wikipedia I used to make music mixes for every occasion of my life. For birthdays, for anniversaries, and for Christmas. There was no occasion too small that it didn’t call for a music cd or at least a playlist. A few years, I even attempted a list of …

Question 229 of 365: Who started it?

Image via Wikipedia Sometimes the best ideas are not our own. Definitely not mine, anyway. Sometimes when we check into our communities, we realize that they have gone on without us. They have brilliant ideas about what should come next and they don’t require us for much of anything. The …

Question 226 of 365: What speaks to us?

Image by GDS Infographics via Flickr I have a web alert set up for “social media” in my local area. Anything, whether it is a job or blog post or simply a quiet mention on the local news sends me an e-mail calling my attention to it. Usually, it turns up …