Month: <span>July 2010</span>

Question 186 of 365: How should we submit our work?

Image via CrunchBase I think a lot about the submit button. The process of taking something that you own and uploading it to someone else is an act of trust. I am trusting that everything that I submit to Flickr will be there when I look for it, without some …

Question 185 of 365: What happens when you just watch?

Image by andrusdevelopment via Flickr I saw a twinkle of power and awe in my daughter tonight. She held her first sparkler and threw her first snappers (the little bits of explosives that are wrapped in paper). It created something within her that I hadn’t seen before. A kind of …

Question 184 of 365: When can we have patches?

Image via Wikipedia I was in the boy scouts for a total of a few months. It wasn’t that I didn’t like the things that happened there, I’m just not sure I ever figured out the idea of someone else giving you a badge when you have done something they …

Question 183 of 365: Are we possible?

Image via Wikipedia I have plans. Brainstorms and Mind Maps, too. I write out lists and sketch out wireframes. I see folder structures and hashtags, creating them with a few touches on the big glass screen in front of me. And then I step back from all of it, looking …

Question 182 of 365: What is the benefit of an extreme position?

Image via Wikipedia Carnivals were a common occurrence during my childhood. The Blossom time parade and carnival over memorial day was perhaps the most memorable. Every year it meant something else. For a while, it meant games and prizes. For one year (before I realized that roller coasters made me …