Month: <span>June 2010</span>

Question 181 of 365: What is a vendor? #iste10

Image by Getty Images via @daylife A company becomes a vendor when they have clients. Or when they provide services to a specific subset or field. It is when they believe they have a solution no one else posesses, yet somehow they can exist within a crowded trade show with …

Question 180 of 365: Are we selfish?

I have never liked cavorting. I find the nimble act of careless frolicking to be unnerving. Done within the snow is even more scary. You have to dress for the occasion and know that the people you are with will not laugh at you. The mood is almost never right …

Question 178 of 365: Are we backwards compatible?

Image via Wikipedia I am on an old computer today. It doesn’t work with all of my newfangled iPads, Keynote files, or the standard version of Gmail. I feel a little bit lost on it, actually. I can’t do the things I would normally. I have to figure out workarounds. …

Question 177 of 365: What is plan b?

Image via Wikipedia Preparation is something I had to learn. While I have always planned, true preparation has always eluded me. I mean to say that the ability some people have for seeing the way things will work out before they do has never been my gift. I have to …

Question 176 of 365: When is networking just drinking with friends?

Image by willfree via Flickr The largest technology and education conference has come to Denver. Is the one time of the year when people from all over the world get together in a single space and talk about the issues that are most important to them, whether those are of …