Month: <span>May 2010</span>

Question 132 of 365: Who's shadow are we in?

Image by Rennett Stowe via Flickr I traveled with my father when I was young. To Australia, to Japan, to Spain. He went there to talk to people about his passion: electrophysiology (the study of heart rhythms). They asked him to come. Paid for him, even. And he brought me …

Question 131 of 365: Am I dressing for the job that I want?

Image via Wikipedia For an entire year, I wore only sports jackets and ties to work. No matter how hot and no matter how what day of the week, I wore a self-imposed uniform. Better yet, I had a total of three sports jackets to cycle through. A green checkered …

Question 130 of 365: When are we open for business?

Image via CrunchBase I am a part of the first generation of file sharers, the first set of adults who felt entitled to free music and software. More than anything else, peer-to-peer networks have shaped the way I think about ownership. When .mp3 files became more numerous than word documents, …

Question 128 of 365: Why should we smoke?

Image via Wikipedia I got to know my wife by smoking hundreds of cigarretes with her. We would sit outside of the dorm and talk about what we were going to do with the rest of our lives. We would meet each other after class and hop in her car …

Question 127 of 365: Whose hands are we in?

I used to have trouble reading. Not with the words that were on the page or with figuring out the metaphorical language either. I had trouble listening to what the author had to say. I constantly let my world view crowd out anything that was being intended. It can be …

Question 126 of 365: Is multi-tasking noise?

Image by natala007 via Flickr People have been up in arms since the iPhone came out that it doesn’t allow multi-tasking. In fact, I was one of those people with arms outstretched. I couldn’t understand why any company as visionary as Apple would want to limit their devices to only …

Question 125 of 365: Who moved my privacy?

Image via Wikipedia Virginia Woolf wasn’t kidding. Having a room of one’s own matters. That is why teachers who keep their materials on carts are the ones who we pity. It is the reason why we still have stigma around cubicles. It is the reason that we put our names …