Year: <span>2009</span>

Strategy Matters

Image via Wikipedia I really appreciate all of the talk recently about how a district can use strategy as a way forward with connected learning. The conversations around losing Web 2.0 tools (or losing their “free” status) is warranted, especially with how much we have come to rely on them …

Who are "they"?

In a post from a few days ago, a reader of this blog asked a very simple question: I would ask why are they less willing and who are the “they”? You often refer to asking the right questions and so I would encourage you to ask Who and Why …


I was at a restaurant this morning with my family and my wife’s fingers were getting stickier and stickier from the leaky maple syrup container. After a while she started looking for some water to wash them off with. Her water cup was empty but the condensation on the outside …

Swimming lessons

For one year when I was younger, I took private swimming lessons. This was in the stage after I had learned all of the basics with a bunch of other kids my age. We could all do the breaststroke, tread water, and do relay races for extended periods of time. …

Piloting you!

I had a lot of conversation today about pilot initiatives within a larger institution. it seems as though in each project that I take part in, there is reason enough to get a small group of (semi) dedicated people together who will try something out and report back on their …