Year: <span>2008</span>


Cores 1+4: Blog-on: Work on personal curriculum with a view toward sharing your knowledge with a specific audience. How will you demonstrate that you have learned something to that audience? What do you still need in order to get your personal curriculum goal accomplished? Will your audience be able to …


Core 1: Blog-on: Starting to work on personal curriculum with a view toward sharing your knowledge. How will you demonstrate that you have learned something? What do you still need in order to get your personal curriculum goal accomplished? Will others be able to learn from you? Work on your …


Core 1: Write-on: (Simile, Metaphor, Alliteration, Rhyme, Imagery, Symbolism, et.c) Talk about Literary Devices and Terms Cheat Sheet #1 Cheat Sheet #2 Return to Utopian poetry. How does the Tipslastt format help you to understand and appreciate the poems you read? Which literary devices are present in the poems (yours …


Cores 1+4: Write-on: Using the survey for discussion. How does learning about new types of Utopia teach us about the old? Is our society changing fundamentally because of our need for utopia on the internet? (Core 1 only) How did your Utopian poems inform your conception of Utopia? Extensions: Have …


Cores 1+4: Discuss-on: How is your Utopian Art Analysis going? Which Utopian truths do you see most often being exemplified? Which pieces of art where particularly thought provoking? Continue work on Utopian Art handouts. Extension: Can the internet be thought of as a utopia? Why or why not? Core 2: …

Unconventional Podcasting

Podcasting is not one thing. It is not an audio file format. It is not an iTunes feed. Podcasting is bigger than that. It includes the ideas of digital storytelling, new literacy, audio and video sharing, the writing process, and the Read/Write web. But none of those words matter. What …


Cores 1+4: Pair Discuss-on: Analyze Utopian Poetry. Create a unique perspective in your own utopian poem. What images are you going to invoke? What metaphors would help to explain your vision of utopia? Extensions: Finish your Utopian poem for next Wednesday Talk about what next week looks like. Core 2: …