Year: <span>2008</span>


Cores 1+4: Write-on: How are the French Utopians different in their depictions of Utopia than Thomas More? Extensions: Finish translating the French Utopian tenets into your own words. [Flash h=616 w=785] Core 2: Discuss-on: Two SAP presentations Continue reading Harrison Bergeron to determine how your personal dystopia compares to …

Vision for Everyone

Just like Wesley Fryer did for this post, I too will cross-post a comment. Your vision of leadership (or perhaps just the one that we are talking about now) is something of an enigma to many people. The idea of articulating what the believe in does not strike most people …


Cores 1+4: (Write-on) What are the major flaws with More’s Utopia? Draw a picture of what you think could go wrong in his vision of a perfect society. Check-in on Personal Curriculum. How are the French Utopians different in their depictions of Utopia? Extensions: What kind of ideas seem to …


Cores 1+4: Write-on: What is the most important aspect of the Utopia within your head that you would like to bring out into the real world? Why? Take a look at the original concept of utopia from Thomas More. What does his vision of Utopia say about his time period? …


Cores 1+4: Write-on: How does you concept of utopia (your idea of perfection) influence your idea of existence? (How are utopia and existentialism (the questioning of existence) related?) Go over questions from How the World Was Saved. Take a look at the original concept of utopia from Thomas More. What …


Cores 1+4: Blog-on: How would you describe the act of creation? (What goes through your head when you are creating something? How do you know when you have created something?) Turn in your Harrison Bergeron Google Doc: What did you learn through this process? (Have someone read your reflection paragraph.) …

var PDF_surveyID = ‘9BF62F5ECE7EF20B’;  var PDF_openText = ‘View Survey’; &lt;a href=””&gt;View Survey&lt;/a&gt;


Cores 1+4: Discuss-on: Why is easier to achieve equality by catering to the lowest common denominator rather than letting everyone achieve at a high level? How can we achieve equality in the second way better in the future? Continue to answer the questions from Harrison Bergeron, and don’t forget to …


Core 1+4: Share-on: Discuss with at least two other people about your belief of equality. Try to come to a consensus on your beliefs. Finish Harrison Bergeron: Complete this activity with the number that you selected at the beginning of the class period. Use Google Docs to copy the questions …


Cores 1+4: Book Brainstorming Session: Take a stack of sticky notes. Read through each person’s perfect book handout and stick a book idea on the desk around the paper. Try to think of books that you really enjoyed and that not as many people would have read (i.e., Do not …