Year: <span>2007</span>


Cores 1-4: What is the Value of Amateurs? Work on Sem2_Week11 either on your blog (using or if it is working) or on your wiki page. If you choose to write on your wiki page, you will need to submit the “edit” that you did today as a …


Core 1: How will the las eight weeks of middle school be different from the rest of middle school? Show off the Official Seal Generator How will our own licenses affect our content? Explore the Discovery Utopias Wiki. Core 2: How will the las eight weeks of middle school be …

Remixing The Classroom

One of my students came up with an amazing metaphor for how intellectual property should work in the classroom and in greater society. She described the idea that remixing should be like cake making. You buy all of the ingredients and then can prepare any kind of cake you like. …

The Great Remix Debate

I give all of the credit for this podcast to my amazing students. They were the ones that kept a debate on intellectual property, remixing, and mash-ups going for nearly thirty minutes. They were the ones that came up with the amazing examples to support their points. They were also …


Cores 1-2: Mini-debate on the ethics and importance of mashing-up and remixing ideas and content. Citing the research from yesterday, write out your proposal for what kind of remixing and mashing-up should be allowed with our content. Be sure to mention all different types of media (text, music, video, online …


Cores 1-2: Read the Remix Culture articles:  Mashups, Remixes and Copyright Law Remix Culture: A rights nightmare Issues surrounding re-use in Creative Commons Liscenses Debate the merits of Mashups and Remixes as art forms and workable solutions in pro- and anti- groups. Core 3: Fill out the Outsiders Anticipation Guide. …


ELT: Guyego Situations Cores 1-4: Get everything on your blog to work. Not be frustrated by technology. Write out your Sem2_Week10 and post to Get one-on-one writing and technology help from Mr. Wilkoff.


Cores 1-4: Check in on Weekly Authentic Blog Posts. Cores 1-2: This week you will be constructing your own position paper on who gets to own ideas. You are going to create a solution for our own projects (utopias and -Isms) that will allow some intellectual rights to be preserved …