Month: <span>September 2007</span>

09.26.07 and 09.27.07

Cores 1-4: Discuss-on: What is the most meaningful feedback you have ever gotten (on writing, on playing a sport, or anything else)? Introduce final procedures for Academy Authentics. Work toward turning in your first Academy Authentic. Extensions: If you haven’t yet finished the process, share out with four people (your …


Share-on: Reveal to at least two other people the progress of your persuasive weekend. Were you able to persuade your family/friend to do a piece of work for you without resorting to fallacious means? What would it take to persuade this person to permanently take over your duties from you …

The Act of Creation

Sometimes we get so caught up in creating the system and the environment for learning that we forget about the most important element of that environment: creation. The singular act of creation is not something to be glazed over; it is the backbone of all that we do, and sometimes …


Core 1: Share-on: Reveal to at least two other people the progress of your persuasive weekend. Were you able to persuade your family/friend to do a piece of work for you without resorting to fallacious means? What would it take to persuade this person to permanently take over your duties …


Core 1: Write-on: How can the specific words that we use affect how persuasive we are in our writing or speaking? Continue working on “Tom Sawyer Whitewashing the Fence.” Does Tom make fallacious arguments or real ones? How does he convince others to do his work for him? Extensions: Plan …


Core 1:  Write-on: What is the one chore that you despise the most? Read “Tom Sawyer Whitewashing the Fence.” Does Tom make fallacious arguments or real ones? How does he convince others to do his work for him? If time allows, work on your Academy Authentic. Extensions: Plan out how …


Cores 1-4:  Write-on: Finish this sentence and write two more to follow it up, “Language Arts with Mr. Wilkoff is…” Complete the student-led conferences handout and prepare your folders for the inevitable: la-talking-points.pdf. What should be in your folder (or easily accessible on the computer): Your LA Talking Points handout. …


Core 1: Write-on: What kind of arguments/persuasion are false? (Sometimes persuasive but always fallacious, deceitful, or just plain wrong) Which are the most recognizable/often used of the Fallacious Arguments. Find an example of one of the above Fallacious Arguments in modern political discourse. Extensions: Think of the one thing that …


Core 1: Write-on: How would you persuade someone visually? Present persuasion Smart Notebook files. What do you notice about these ideas? Reflect on the process of creating these presentations. [flash] [flash] [flash] [flash] [flash] [flash] [flash] [flash] [flash] [flash] [flash …