Year: <span>2006</span>

Isaac and Ishmael

Discussion Questions for this episode of The West Wing: What did Josh mean when he said that “they” want to kill all of us the same amount? Why does Josh’s analogy make sense: Islamic Extremists is to Islamic as KKK is to Christianity? What are the specific grievances that terrorists …


Core 1: Discuss-On: What do we learn about your brain (way of thinking) by reading your Stream-Of-Consciousness Read your Stream-Of-Consciousness piece to at least two other people and ask them: Is this a true Stream-Of-Consciousness piece according to our definitions? What do you think I am able to do with …


Cores 1-4: My musical Weekly Authentic. Core 1: Write-On: Do a mind wandering exercise. Start with one image (A squirrel enjoying a particularly tasty nut, a baloon floating in the air, a huge crap that your dog took on the stairs that you tried to clean up last night but …


Cores 1-4: Go over the Language Arts instructions for your SLC. Show off the new Authenticity Awards. Explore some good Building Comments: Building Comment #1 Comment Building…9/11 Core 1: Discuss-On: Do we have the power to create new genres of writing? How? Distribute the Genre Master List and discuss the …


Cores 1-4: Re-Introduce the concept of a Building Comment and show example. Take a look at a controversial post. Is it inappropriate or not? Afix your signature to the Discovery Blogging Rules for 2006-2007. Go down to the library to work on Nominating, Commenting (Building or regular), or writing your …

Language Theory Notes for 09.18.06

Interesting Animal Grammar Article Animals do not have the capacity for generative grammar. They are committed to the behavioral form of learning language. Another article described the genetic link of stuttering. Metaphor as thought. (My contribution) A grammar is the derivation of understanding (not meaning, not sense) from syntactical and …


Cores 1-4: Final Review of Blogging Rules. Psycodude’s Apology Letter. September 11th Memorial. Core 1: Check “Synonyms and Antonyms” for Unit 7 in vocabulary book. Collect any “Word Stories” not turned in on Friday. Group Write-On: How many different types of writing are there? Group Discussion questions: How are they …

Psycodude’s Apology

Dear Mr. Wilkoff and Core 2, I’m sorry for all the trouble I caused you last year on blogger and nation states, and I’m sorry for what I’ve done this year. It is not a good thing to get enjoyment out of annoying people, and saying mean things to them. …