Year: <span>2006</span>


Cores 1-4: In partners, develop a rubric for assessing Weekly Authentics by asking yourself the following questions and answering them through brainstorming and note-taking (We will discuss many of them together, so you need to have a ready answer for when we bring it to the whole class): What makes …


Core 1: Share-On: Share your Satires with at least 2-3 other people and ask them what they believe is being criticized. If they give you a different answer than what you had planned, discuss why your reader’s impression was different than your writing intention. Share and critique satires as a …


Core 1: Discuss-On: Share your answers to the homework questions with at least two people and come to a consensus on the answers: What are these articles making fun of/criticizing? How are they doing it? Why are they targeting these particular aspects of society? With a partner: Brainstorm all of …


Cores 1-4: Honor the new Authenticity Award Recipients. Continue to refine The Discovery Blogging Rules. Is this post appropriate for our blogs? Core 1: Discuss-On: Why do we make fun of things? Read Onion Articles and establish definition of Satire and its characteristics on your Genre Master List: ADHDTV Satire …


Cores 1-4: Explore My 4th Weekly Authentic: A Stream-Of-Consciousness Poem? Discuss the Building Comment Hall of Fame. Write your fourth Weekly Authentic or second Building Comment.