Tag: <span>twitter</span>

Question 98 of 365: What will we have time for?

Image via Wikipedia I remember a discussion I had with my homeroom teacher in high school that went something like this: Teacher: I used to play the guitar, a twelve string, and I really loved it. I haven’t played it in years, now. I think it may have a hole …

Question 79 of 365: How do you monitor your periphery?

I do a decent job of staying in touch with my friends and co-workers. I answer e-mail, IM or Skype, call, and even occasionally talk to them in person. I can do that without much effort because these people are well known to me. They are the ones that make …

Question 78 of 365: Should your brand be a person?

The is no lack of branding going on in the twittersphere or on any of the social networks that have built huge organization promotion services (Yelp, FourSquare, Facebook). Once a company or non-profit has seen potential to get more eyeballs on their product, they have launched head first into the …

Question 68 of 365: What does it mean to be a breadwinner?

Image via Wikipedia While I do not particularly like the designation or the baggage that goes along with it, being a breadwinner is something that is very important to me. I am not interested in being the sole breadwinner or someone who does only that, but there is most definitely …

Question 67 of 365: Why is time theft so seductive, and in many cases, productive?

I am a time thief. I take away time from my current employer in order to work on things that are not in my job description. I will admit that freely, even to the people I work for. But, up until recently, I have been able to keep it under …

Question 58 of 365: How are local and crowdsourced opposing forces?

The folks in my local network are amazing. They are the ones who will babysit for my children, or hang out after work with my family. They are the ones who seem to share a lot of the same values with me. After all, they moved close to where we …

Question 52 of 365: How do we unfollow in the physical world?

We have embarked on exploded the word “friend” with many new online connotations as well as redefined the word “space” to mean anything we want it to. We have made completely altered the concept of characters (as in 140) and manipulated “a conversation” so much that is almost unrecognizable in …

Question 51 of 365: What do we model in our networks?

I believe that I am not modeling the uses of my network that I actually use my network for. If I have created my network, I have done it wrong. Let me clarify further… I model the link dump quite often by connecting my delicious feed to twitter. What I …

Question 46 of 365: How do users become customers?

I don’t usually use these terms, but I have continued to use them after reading a really interesting white paper on why Freemium models don’t work. I believe that we are all users of lots of products, services, schools, and ideas. We are much more selective as to what we …