Tag: <span>facebook</span>

Question 236 of 365: Who wins when others fail?

Image via Wikipedia I don’t want to hear about other people not doing their jobs right. It isn’t interesting, novel, or beneficial. It may make for cleverly underhanded conversation or ambitious posturing, but it doesn’t really do much good. I can complain about others not pulling their weight or not …

Question 226 of 365: What speaks to us?

Image by GDS Infographics via Flickr I have a web alert set up for “social media” in my local area. Anything, whether it is a job or blog post or simply a quiet mention on the local news sends me an e-mail calling my attention to it. Usually, it turns up …

Questions 222 of 365: How gullible are we?

Image by IpUrBeLtZ via Flickr Gullibility is an ironic joke to those who are young. We tell each other that the word isn’t in the dictionary or that it is written on the ceiling. We prove ourselves gullible nearly every chance we get because we get so excited about the …

Question 191 of 365: What is the skeptic's option?

Image by wburris via Flickr Everyone who asks questions is a skeptic in one way or another, which is to say that everyone is a skeptic. I once found my bicycle up in a tree in the woods. It had been placed there by some naughty older kids. They wanted …

Question 183 of 365: Are we possible?

Image via Wikipedia I have plans. Brainstorms and Mind Maps, too. I write out lists and sketch out wireframes. I see folder structures and hashtags, creating them with a few touches on the big glass screen in front of me. And then I step back from all of it, looking …

Question 167 of 365: When does the game change?

Image via CrunchBase I wrestled for 2 years when I was in elementary school. I was never all that good at it, but I did manage to win a few matches. Mostly, I only remember trying to sit against a wall in an invisible chair. We were supposed to put …

Question 166 of 365: How can we scrape better?

Image via Wikipedia I guess I might as well go on the record for stating that the future of networks is in scraping. I know that some people are calling it the social graph and the power of the connections and links and liking and all of that, but I …

Question 155 fo 365: Who do we root for?

Cover of Spellbound Along with the finals for the NBA and NHL going on this weekend, there was also another kind of competition that garners far fewer onlookers: The Scrips Spelling Bee. Tonight, on network teleivision no less, a girl from my home town of Cleveland took the prize. She …

Question 154 of 365: What are fences good for?

Nearly all of the houses in my neighborhood have fences, many of which are in severe need of repair. They are coming down because they were all built in the early 80’s. So, every few days I see new fenceposts being dug and placed. Pretty soon, all of the fences …

Question 152 of 365: What do we do with uninvited guests (or, the CC effect)?

There is a disturbing trend in sharing. We share with others (as we should), giving them the ability to edit and observe. This allows them to contribute and for everyone in the collaborative process to move forward. However, this is where the trend emerges. Once this becomes a norm within …