Category: <span>Classroom Resources</span>


Cores 1+4: Write-On: Imagine that there were a perfect book out there for you. It has just the right mixture of content (the stuff it is about) and form (the way it is written). What would it look like? Construct your perfect book on our handout. Meet with me to …


Cores 1+4: Reset expectations for the quarter. What changes and what stays the same? What is a personal curriculum? Brainstorm your personal curriculum with a partner. Extension: Write your personal curriculum plan for one of your ideas on your blog. Core 2: Reset expectations for the quarter. What changes and …


Core 1: Prepare-on: Arrange desks Talk about filter issues. Do any last minute preparation Host the debate. Judge’s Decision Extension: Reflect on your debate. Turn in Thursday. Core 2: Write-on: Where are you at in your social action plan? What are your next steps? Talk about filter issues. What obstacles …


Core 1: Prepare-on: Arrange desks Talk about uStream Do any last minute preparation Host the debate, Stream the Debate. Judge’s Decision Extension: Reflect on your debate. Turn in Thursday. Core 2: Rectify-On: Go into your google docs and make sure that both of your Academy Authentics for this quarter are …


Core 1: Write-on: How does a debate influence the fate of a nation? Watch presidential debates from the past forty years. What has changed and what hasn’t? Why debates? Is persuasion the same in every debate? What can we learn from the candidates in order to become more persuasive in …


Core 1: Prepare-on: Arrange desks Talk about uStream Do any last minute preparation Host the debate, Stream the Debate. Judge’s Decision Extension: Prepare for next debates next week. Core 2: Blog-on: What will you do with the time that you have on this earth to ensure that you leave it …


Core 1: Prepare-on: Arrange desks Talk about backchannel Do any last minute preparation Host the debate, Stream the Debate. Judge’s Decision Extension: Prepare for next debate on Thursday. Core 2: Blog-on: Does TJ die? How do you know? Take AR test for Roll of Thunder, Hear my Cry. How much …


Core 1: Today is a research and organization day. I will not be talking at you a whole lot. What I will be doing, however, is talking with you, trying to get you to organize your thoughts into a workable debate plan. Things to think about: Which arguments should go …


Core 1: Write-on: What is the one thing that has gone differently for you in your second essay, as opposed to your first essay? Share a few good things that are going on in your second essay (good points, valuable quotes, reflections on your writing process)… on the smart board …


Core 1: Brainstorming Write-on: How will you know which points to refute in which ways while the debate is going on? What is a Flow Sheet? What should you write on it? What kinds of codes/shorthand can you create for yourself? Practice a flow sheet with the Video of Television …