Category: <span>Blog</span>

#C4C15: Nocking The Arrow: Does Digital Contribution Trump Digital Citizenship?

There really is a difference in the way you approach student access to social media: I really like the way that you have framed this as a case of “modeling” rather than of “gatekeeping.” I don’t see the need for a digital content ‘license to drive’ as much as the …

#C4C15: Idle Confessions of a Teacher Trying Something New — Teaching, Learning, & Education — Medium

An amazing piece from a teacher who is trying something new in the classroom and feeling understandable pushback from students and parents: I think this fear is absolutely understandable. You are doing something amazing, and that is scary. My favorite thing that you have done about this fear is face …

#C4C15: Differentiated Instruction Does Work | Living Avivaloca

A wonderful rebuttal to the Education Week article decrying differentiation: I had similar issues with the Education Week article, and I am so glad that you have framed differentiation as difficult but still worthwhile. I think your list of “maybes” is the most compelling argument for defining differentiation in a …

#C4C15: Kevin's Meandering Mind | Are You Ready to Walk My World?

Another collaborative challenge for making and creating the future of teaching and learning: I am really excited about this idea of “Walk my world”, but I am more excited about just how many ways you are modeling for others how to capture their environment and their learning. I am particularly …

#C4C15: What Should We Do With Our Classrooms?: An authentic audience: Lit Genius and SoundCloud

A great example of connected reading and writing in the high school English classroom. There is something extremely powerful going on here within both your autonomy and your ability to express the need for feedback. I do believe that “being left alone in your classroom” is possibly holding the rest …