Year: <span>2014</span>

#WhyTeach: High Schoolers Who Want to Teach (A Twitter experiment in #dpsk12) via @jdarnelldps

This is possibly the best uses of twitter with a group of students I have seen in a very long time. Special kudos to Justin Darnell. What an amazing example of engaging students where they live (their mobile devices and on social media). #WhyTeach – High Schoolers Who Want to …

Hangouts and Face-To-Face Events to Support Online Communities of Practice If you want to be on the video portion, here is the link: This session is to support Project Join: The Online Communities of Practice work in Denver Public Schools.  Come and learn about how to use Hangouts, Hangouts on Air, and Face-To-Face events to support Online Communities …

Shifting Practice: Outcome-Based Badges Roundtable

*Planning Doc:* This is going to be an amazing roundtable on how we are _Actually Shifting Practice_ using badges for Professional Learning. This is a follow up to our previous roundtable on Badges for Learning ( *Roundtable purpose:* This roundtable will help to identify the ways in which we …