How are you allowing people to register for PD in your district? How do we make a course catalogue more…
How are you allowing people to register for PD in your district? How do we make a course catalogue more…
How are you allowing people to register for PD in your district? How do we make a course catalogue more…
Video Intro: What is your Blend? Created with Haiku Deck, the free presentation app for iPad
What does appropriate struggle look like for learners?
I love that you have started this group up. Nice work.
I’m in a District Leadership meeting today for #dpsk12 .
This is my history of my history with personalized learning environments and why I would like to become a part of the Google Teacher Academy in Chicago this summer. Powered by WPeMatico
I kind of wonder if this would make for a good Open Spokes topic.
Ben Wilkoff was in a video call with 1 person.Eric Pitt
This how DPS demonstrates the ways in which non-instructional staff help support the work of teaching and learning.
This how DPS demonstrates the ways in which non-instructional staff help support the work of teaching and learning….