Year: <span>2010</span>

Question 45 of 365: What is the most important data?

Image via Wikipedia This kind of question requires a lot of energy. Energy that I don’t have right now. But it is a question that haunts me, mostly because I don’t know the answer. I want to know what is most valuable, what I need to be paying attention to. …

Question 44 of 365: What parts of us are fragile, perpetual and renewable?

We Are All We Need View more presentations from bhwilkoff. We would rather be: Skeptical, Wise, Steadfast, and Stable. But we aren’t. We Lack: The vision to be stable. The certainty to be steadfast. The reflection to be wise. The experience to be skeptical. And, that isn’t all bad. We …

Question 43 of 365: What is the true nature of spam?

Google Buzz has brought this back for me in a big way, but I have always been concerned with just how Spam has made its grand entrance into our collective consciousness. I have considered this topic as the noise and distraction in our lives, but spam is a much bigger …

Question 42 of 365: How can you frame a question so that it actually gets answered?

Participation matters. Above all else, if you expect people to come to your blog, read your feed, follow your buzz or engage in your web application; you must look for a level of participation that really doesn’t have a whole lot of modeling in the real world. The blogosphere had …

Question 41 of 365: When is vigilante infrastructure justified?

Being a vigilante in any organization creates a reputation. You are known for being on the cutting edge but also for being a lone wolf. You are known for pushing the envelope but also for pushing an agenda. Mostly, you are known for doing things that no one else has …

Question 40 of 365: Why can't we focus on making something, rather than the something itself?

It is the product that we are after: the book, the video, the iPhone, the worksheet, and the report. These products are the result of a huge amount of processing, working, collaborating, and creating. And yet, we are so focused on the product itself that we have almost no idea …

Question 39 of 365: What data points are we missing?

All of the data points matter. The ones that fit neatly inside of your daily life are just as important as the ones that lay way outside of it. The information that causes us to go forward unabated is no less valuable than the stuff that makes us cautious. The …

Question 38 of 365: How does color influence our actions online?

I am not a graphic designer. I am not a marketing guru. I am not a color snob. However, I did run across a really interesting reverse image search that made me think about how colors are associated with everything we do on the web. From the Twitter bright blue …