Month: <span>September 2010</span>

Question 272 of 365: What are we not paying for?

In thinking about budgets in tight times, it may be easiest to think about all of the things that we are paying for and then see exactly what it is that we can cut back on. It makes sense that we wouldn’t spend much time at all agonizing over what …

Question 271 of 365: Who will we let change us?

Image by rshannonsmith via Flickr My son has never liked being changed, not even when he was very small. He is absurdly strong and his hips seem to have the superhuman element to them that allows for him to swivel out of all but the tightest grips. He screams and …

Question 270 of 365: How do we define success?

Image via Wikipedia I believe in serendipity. It is one of my strongest held beliefs, actually. It is the way in which I find much of the passion that I have for technology, education, and business. I make contacts on Twitter and at Coffee Shops that have very little chance …

Question 268 of 365: Can we take everything with us?

Image by bigcityal via Flickr We have preferences and we have workflows. We know where things are in our offices and on our devices. We don’t have to relearn every keystroke on a daily basis. We establish comfort zones all around us so that we can rise above theĀ minutiae and …

Question 267 of 365: How much are we willing to share?

Image via CrunchBase My first email address that wasn’t tied to a major onlineĀ provider like AOL was It came from this local ISP in my home town. It was this cute all you could download on a 14.4 modem affair for about $25.00 a month. The reason that this …

Question 265 of 365: How many pieces am I playing with?

Image via Wikipedia Chess has a certain amount of pieces, as does every other game that I can think of. If you put too many pieces on the board it doesn’t look right and you can’t play. Having too many pawns makes moving around the board more difficult and having …