Month: <span>August 2010</span>

Question 223 of 365: What forces your hand?

Image via Wikipedia My wife got into nursing school today. She took prerequisites, applied, interviewed and was offered a spot in nursing school. She didn’t know that was what she wanted until quite recently, but here we are, staring directly at changes to our life’s as we know them. The …

Questions 222 of 365: How gullible are we?

Image by IpUrBeLtZ via Flickr Gullibility is an ironic joke to those who are young. We tell each other that the word isn’t in the dictionary or that it is written on the ceiling. We prove ourselves gullible nearly every chance we get because we get so excited about the …

Question 221 of 365: Who are we before we have done anything (and who are we after)?

Image by SOCIALisBETTER via Flickr I am lucky enough to have kept copies of my earliest resumes. As an assignment in my 11th grade English course, we were required to write up our resume in an astoundingly boring format. Here are the highlights (leaving out some of the more personal …

Question 216 of 365: What are the right triggers?

Image via Wikipedia I’ve been thinking a lot about if-then statements. Those little representations of causality that seem to crop up everywhere. If one thing happens then another will transpire. It is the easiest relationship to understand, far easier to get than the complex political or emotional relationships that populate …