Year: <span>2009</span>

The On Button Archive

While I was doing some searching over at Tweetgrid (my absolute favorite way of looking at twitter in real-time), I came across these notes from my Educon 2.1 Session, The On Button: Instant and Always on Collaboration. I figure that now is as good a time as any to put …

Bigger than pedagogy

The last two posts that I have written have talked about ideas vs. Tools. I didn’t realize it until after I had written them that I had not used the word pedagogy once. I was speaking of ideas in education, concepts, schemas for how learning works now.  At some point …

Whenever I feel like…

Whenever I feel like I’ve run into a wall in online school I start thinking about all the possibilities for communicating and things just seems to open up. Long story short I am looking for a way to use google ups as a domain as internal communication system that we …